Installation Notes For Win98/98SE Users ================================== 1. Click on "Control Panel", then click on "System" and click on "Device Menager" 2. Click on "Other Device" and click on the "PCI Ethernet Controller" selection. Then, click on "Properties". 3. Click the "Reinstall Driver" at "General" field, then Click the Next button in the Update Device Driver Wizard window. 4. Select the "Search for a better driver then the one your device...."and click "Next" button. 5. Click the "Specify a location" and "Browse" button ,then allocate to "CD-ROM:\LAN\BROADCOM\5705", then click "OK" and Next button. 6. Click "Next" button. 7. Windows starts to copy the Broadcom 5705 10/100/1000 Mbps Intergrated Controller driver to the user's hard disk, then click Finish button. 5. Restart your computer. Installation Notes For WinME Users ================================== 1. Click on "Control Panel", then click on "System" and click on "Device Menager" 2. Click on "Network adaptors" and select the "PCI Ethernet Controller" selection. Then, click on "Properties". 3. Click the "Update Driver" , at driver field. 4. Choose "Specify the location of the driver..."from "Upgrade Device Driver Wizard" window, and click Next button. 5. Click " Search for a better driver then the one youe device....." and click "Specify a location, then click "Browse" button. 6. Specify the setup file pathname "CD-ROM:\LAN\BROADCOM\5705" in the "Browse for Folder" dialog box, then click "OK" button. 7. Click "Next" in the "Upgrade Device Driver Wizard" dialog box. 8. Please select "The update driver (Recommended)" then click Next button. 9. Click "Next" button. 10. Click "Finish" button in the "Upgrade Device Driver Wizard" dialog box. 11. Restart your computer. 2Installation Notes For Win2000 Users ==================================== 1. Click on "Control Panel" then click on "System" and click on "Device Menager" from Hardware field. 2. Click on "Network adaptors" and click on the "PCI Ethernet Controller" selection. 3. Click the "Update Driver" at "Driver" field, then Click the Next button in the Update Device Driver Wizard window. 4. Choose "Search for a suiteable driver for my device(Recommend)"and click "Next" button. 5. Click the "Specify a location of driver", then click "Browse" button. 6. Allocate to "CD-ROM:\LAN\BROADCOM\5705\Windows2000\Driver"at locate file field, then click "Open" button and "OK" button. 7. Click "Next" button. 8. Click "Finish" button. 9. Restart your computer. Installation Notes For Win XP Users ==================================== 1. Click on "Control Panel", then click on "System" and click on "Device Menager" 2. Click on "Network adaptors" and click on the "PCI Ethernet Controller" selection. Then, click on "Properties". 3. Click the "Update Driver" at "Driver" field, then Click the Next button in the Update Device Driver Wizard window. Click the "Specify a location of driver" and allocate to " CD-ROM:\LAN\BROADCOM\5705\Windows.NET32\Driver", then click Next button. 4. Windows starts to copy the Broadcom 5705 10/100/1000 Mbps Intergrated Controller to the user's hard disk, then click Finish button. 5. Restart your computer. Installation Notes For WinNT40 Users ==================================== 1. Click on "Control Panel" icon.then choose the "Network" icon and click the "Adapter" icon. 2. In the "Adapter" window, select button.Then Select "Have Disk..." button. 3. Type the driver files path:"CD-ROM:\LAN\BROADCOM\5705\WindowsNT\Driver" 4. Windows NT will attempt to locate the OEMSETUP.INF file in the specified path. 5. Click Finish and restart your computer.