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1.10 Miscellaneous

1.10.1 pvm_exit Blocks to Wait for an Available Receiver

A PVM task can send messages before a receiver task is available to read those messages. Such messages are queued in the sender task. If the sender task calls pvm_exit before a receiver task is available to read a message then the pvm_exit will block until a receiver task becomes available.

1.10.2 -pthread Compile-Line Argument Needed

The -pthread argument must be included on the compile line.

1.10.3 PVM Environment Variable Defaults

The default values of the Compaq PVM environment variables are described in Table 1-1.

Table 1-1 Default Values for PVM Environment Variables

Environment Variable  Default Value 
PVM_BUF_SIZE  1,048,576 

All the "size" parameters should be multiples of 1024.

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