7.1 Inlining and IPA Command Switches

There are two phases to inlining - defining the universe of inlinable routines and selecting which routines in that universe to inline or analyze. The -inline_from... and -ipa_from... switches define the universe of inlinable routines. The -inline, -ipa, -..._looplevel, and -inline_depth switches select which of the available routines are to be inlined/analyzed. The -inline_create and -ipa_create switches set up collections of routines for inclusion in later KAP runs.

All of the inlining and IPA command switches are listed in the following sections. The short forms of their names are in brackets.

Many of these switches have arguments that are lists of routine names or file names. The elements of these lists may be separated by either commas or colons. Multiple element lists must be enclosed in parentheses.

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Command-Line Switches

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