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3    Using the Tool Integration Language and Compiler

Use the Tool Integration Language (TIL) to specify the following information about the tool:

Use the TIL compiler to compile the TIL file to generate information usable by the FUSE Control Panel and the message server.

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3.1    Creating a TIL File

TIL statements are declarative. You can use one TIL file for each tool or one file for several tools but you cannot split up one tool's information among files.

The TIL language defines a class for each tool. The tool class contains three clauses:

The format of a tool specification is as follows:

class tool-name ={

  Attributes { 
    label = "tool-label"; 
    accel = "key-combination"; 
    path = "pathname"; 
    multiple = true | false; 
    multidefault = true | false; 
    server = true | false; 
    grouping = local | global; 
    language = "C" | "script"; 
    active = true | false; 
    dialog { 
      normal = show | hide; 
      auto = show | hide; 
      recall = show | hide; 
      request = show | hide; 

  Messages {[message-property...] return-value message-name ([param)[,...]];

  States { 
    start { 
      receives {message-name[,message-name ...] 
      sends {message-name[,message-name ...] 
   [state-name { 
      receives {message-name[,message-name ...] 
      sends {message-name[,message-name ...] 

To comment information in the TIL file, place the comment within /* */ pairs, as follows:

/* comment-text */

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3.1.1    Class

Specifies the class name for your tool.


Specifies the name of your tool, which must be unique in FUSE. If you specify a non-unique name, the TIL compiler reports an error.

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3.1.2    Attributes Clause

Specifies information about your tool for use by the Control Panel and the message server.

label = tool-label

Specifies the label for the tool's entry in the Control Panel and FUSE Tools menus in tool-label). It must be unique in FUSE. If you specify a non-unique name, the TIL compiler reports an error.

accel = key-combination

Specifies the key combination for starting the tool in key-combination). If you do not specify this keyword in the TIL file, the default is no key combination.

The key combination for FUSE tool startup is a Meta key plus another key (lowercase only). The key combination are listed in FUSE Tools menus next to the name of the tool. For example, to start the Builder, the key combination is Meta+b. You can follow the Meta+key convention, use another Motif-compliant combination, or leave it blank. If you specify a key combination, make sure that it is not currently used by any other FUSE tool. If it is used by another tool, the TIL compiler reports an error. Refer to the for a list of all key combinations used in FUSE.

path = pathname

Specifies the pathname for the Control Panel to start the tool in pathname). You can specify an absolute pathname or a script command. The use of an absolute pathname ensures that the Control Panel can always find the tool from wherever FUSE is started. You should not rely on the user's setting of $PATH to find the correct tool.

You can use an environment variable in the pathname. For example, you can use the $FUSE_BIN environment variable. $FUSE_BIN is defined according to where FUSE is installed on your system and is, by default, /usr/opt/fuse/bin.

For example, the pathname for the Builder is $(FUSE_BIN)/builder.

The environment variable can also be any variable required by your tool. It must be preceded by a $ and closed within parentheses. For example, the pathname for your tool can be: $(HOME)/test/test-tool.

The environment variable is expanded when FUSE starts up. Therefore, any variable that is used in the tool pathname must be defined at the time FUSE starts up.

multiple = true | false

This is a Boolean value that specifies whether multiple instances of the tool are allowed to run within a tool group. The value true) means multiple instances in a tool group are allowed; the value false) means only one instance in a tool group is allowed. If your tool cannot accurately differentiate among incoming messages, you may want to limit it to one instance in a tool group to avoid possible conflicts.

If you do not specify this keyword in the TIL file, the default value is true.

server = true | false

This is a Boolean value that specifies whether the tool acts as a server. If it acts as a server for other tools in FUSE and does not have a user interface, specify a value of true). If your tool does have a user interface, specify a value of false). A value of true) means that your tool is not listed in the Control Panel and FUSE Tools menus; false) means that your tool is listed and can be started by the user.

If you do not specify this keyword in the TIL file, the default value is false.

grouping = local | global

Specifies whether the tool will exchange messages with tools only within its tool group or with tools in all tool groups. Specify global) to exchange messages with tools in all tool groups; specify local) to exchange messages with tools within the tool's own tool group.

If you do not specify this keyword in the TIL file, the default value is local.

language = C | script

Specifies the tool's interface. If you use the C interface for your messaging functions, specify C. If you use the script interface, specify script). This value is used by the TIL compiler to generate code appropriate for the C functions or script commands.

If you do not specify this keyword in the TIL file, the default value is C.

active = true | false

A Boolean value that specifies whether the tool is automatically listed on FUSE Tools menus. The value true means that the tool is listed on FUSE Tools menus; false means that the tool is not listed on FUSE Tools menus until you make it available from the Control Panel.

If you do not specify this keyword in the TIL file, the default value is true.


Specifies when the configuration dialog box for the tool is displayed. A value of show or hide is specified for each of four stages:

normal: The tool has been started for the first time from the Tools menu on the Control Panel (or by a keyboard equivalent).

auto: The tool has been started for the first time by an automatic startup request from another tool (either through triggering or from the Tools menu of that tool).

recall: The Recall Configuration... item from the Control Panel Tools menu has been selected for the tool for the first time.

request: The tool is being reconfigured by a request from the user.

The value show displays the configuration dialog box for the user to complete before the tool continues; the value hide does not display the configuration dialog box and the Control Panel provides the configuration information. If the Control Panel configuration information is incorrect (based on the tool's verification of the Control Panel information), the configuration dialog box is displayed even though hide is specified.

If you are not using a configuration dialog box, specify hide for each stage.

The values you specify determine the value returned by the Control Panel's QuerySystemInfo message. Refer to Chapter 5 for more information about this message.

If you do not specify this keyword in the TIL file, the default values are as follows:

normal = show 
auto = show 
recall = hide 
request = show

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3.1.3    Messages Clause

Specifies the list of messages, in a C-style format, that the tool sends and receives in FUSE.

The format of a message is:

[message-property...] return-value message-name({param[,...]]);


Declares how the tool responds to a message, if other than default behavior is required:

trigger: Specifies that the message must be received by the tool. If the message is sent and no tool receives the message, because the tools currently running are in a state where they do not listen for or only eavesdrop on the message, the message server looks for another tool class that receives the message as a trigger. If a tool class is found, the message server sends a request to the Control Panel to start an instance of the tool (in the same tool group of the tool that sent the message) and the message as a trigger, then on instance of one of the tools is started, but it cannot be predicted which tool is started. If the messag still cannot be delivered, it is dropped.

eavesdrop: Specifieds that the tool has an interest in the message received and accepts the message but does not otherwise process it. Use this message property when a tool needs to be aware of a message. If the eavesdrop message received has a return value, any attempts to reply (using a reply or message-finish function or command) are ignored.

override: Specifies that only the message property previously declared for a message be superseded by the specified message property. Use this property when you need to change messages that are declared with #include statements in the TIL file without having to chagne the include file. Then, the override instructs the tool to ignore any previous definition for thtat message and accept the new definition.

The following example applies the eavesdrop property to the ToolStartNotification message without having to change that message in the message_lib.msg file:

Messages { 
#include "message_lib.msg" 
 override eavesdrop char *ToolStartNotification (char *class, char *host); 

You can combine the trigger and eavesdrop properties for a message. With this combination, when a trigger message is received, the target tool is started. The next time a trigger message is received by that tool, the tool acts as an eavesdropper. When you use both message properties, define the message as follows:

trigger eavesdrop return-value <message-name>(param,...);


Indicates the response to the message that is sent. It can be one of three types:

sync: Specifies that no data is returned, but once the message is sent, the tool is notified when all message receivers have received and processed the message (synchronized message).

void: Specifies that no data is returned because the tool does not expect a response.

char*: Specifies that data is returned.


Specifies the name of the message and must be unique in FUSE. Check the message list in to make sure that the tool does not use a name that already exists.


Specifies message parameters that must be one of the following supported data types: int, float, char *, char, or long.

If any other data type is specified, the TIL compiler reports an error.

The default messages that each tool needs when working in FUSE must also be specified, as follows:

#include "message_lib.msg"

Refer to Section 4.1.2 for an example of specifying the default message library.

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3.1.4    States Clause

Specifies the states and sets of messages that are allowed to be sent and received by the tool in each state. The only required state is start; howevever, if your tool receives a trigger message, it must also declare a running state. You can define any other state and state name. Do not use hyphens in state names. For each state, list all messages that can be received by the tool in the receives clause and list all messages that can be sent by the tool in the sends clause. A message in a sends clause causes the TIL compiler to generate a stab routine to send the message. If messages are not listed in receives, the tool cannot receive any messages in that state. At a minimum, the following macros must be listed to enable the sending and receiving of the required FUSE messages defined in message_lib.msg:

sends { 
receives { 

If no message can be sent or received, omit the receives and sends clauses.

When you list messages, specify only the message name. If you list a message that has not been declared in the Messages attribute, the TIL compiler reports an error.

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3.2    Using the TIL Compiler

After you complete the TIL file for your tool, compile it using the til command. The C preprocessor cpp is also run on all files. The syntax of the TIL command is:

til [option ...] file ...

Depending on the options you specify, the compiler produces some or all of the following:

By default, if you do not specify any options or files, the TIL compiler produces error diagnostics on TIL files in the current directory, generates C files, and produces a new FUSE message schema and startup file in the working directory. These do not replace what is currently being used by FUSE.

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3.2.1    Checking TIL File Syntax

After you write the TIL file for your tool, check that the TIL syntax is correct before you attempt a complete build of the file. Use the -syntax option so the compiler will not generate C files, a new startup script, or a message schema.

% til -syntax tool.til

The TIL compiler reports all errors to standard output.

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3.2.2    Specifying Compiler Processing

After you have verified that your TIL file is correctly defined, choose which compiler processing actions you need:

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3.2.3    Generating the Startup Script and Schema

To generate C files, specify the -c option. You can specify one or more classes. The class name you specify must match the tool-name you defined for the class attribute in the TIL file.

The -c option produces the .c and .h files for your tool's messaging functions, using the following default file names: FUSE_tool-name.h and FUSE_tool-name.c. The .h file provides the function prototypes that must be included in the tool's C source file.

If you do not want to generate a new startup script tools.rc or message schema fuseschema.msl, use the -no_schema option with the -c option. If you do not specify -no_schema, a new tools.rc file and fuseschema.msl are produced for your tool and the other tools in the working directory. The tools.rc and fuseschema.msl files do not replace the tools.rc or fuseschema.msl files being used by FUSE. You should test and debug the schema before replacing the FUSE schema. Refer to Section 4.1.4 for an example of debugging the integration of a tool.

For example, to generate the C files, a new tools.rc file, and a new fuseschema.msl file for two tools that are defined in one TIL file, issue this command:

% til -ctool1 -ctool2 tool.til

After executing this command, the TIL compiler produces the following files in your working directory:

To generate only C files of the message functions, issue this command:

% til -ctool1 -ctool2 -no_schema tool.til

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3.2.4    Installing a Startup Script and Schema

When you have debugged your tool and are ready to replace the FUSE message schema and startup script, use the -install option. The -install option builds a new startup script and a new FUSE message schema, including your tool, and replaces the current startup script and FUSE message schema with the newly built script and schema. If you specify the -no_ansi, -c, or -no_schema option with -install, they are ignored.

When you use the -install option, make sure you have copied the TIL file for the tool to the $FUSE_TOP/rundata/schema directory. You will probably have to issue the til command from a privileged account because $FUSE_TOP/rundata/schema is usually owned by the superuser. For example, to build and install a new schema including two new tools, you copy the TIL file to$FUSE_TOP/rundata/schema and then issue this command:

% til -install

The TIL compiler produces these files in the directory $FUSE_TOP/rundata/schema after executing the command with the -install option:

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