E.8 DFAUTO Routines (WNT, W9*)

DFAUTO routines help you work with Automation objects. To use a DFAUTO routine, add the following statement to the program unit containing the routine:


Table E-8 summarizes DFAUTO routines.

Table E-8 Summary of DFAUTO Routines (WNT, W9*)

Name  Description 
AUTOAddArg  Passes an argument name and value and adds the argument to the argument list data structure. 
AUTOAllocateInvokeArgs  Allocates an argument list data structure that holds the arguments to be passed to AUTOInvoke. 
AUTODeallocateInvokeArgs  Deallocates an argument list data structure. 
AUTOGetExceptInfo  Retrieves the exception information when a method has returned an exception status. 
AUTOGetProperty  Passes the name or identifier of the property and gets the value of the Automation object's property. 
AUTOGetPropertyByID  Passes the member ID of the property and gets the value of the Automation object's property into the argument list's first argument.  
AUTOGetPropertyInvokeArgs  Passes an argument list data structure and gets the value of the Automation object's property specified in the argument list's first argument.  
AUTOInvoke  Passes the name or identifier of an object's method and an argument list data structure and invokes the method with the passed arguments.  
AUTOSetProperty  Passes the name or identifier of the property and a value, and sets the value of the Automation object's property.  
AUTOSetPropertyByID  Passes the member ID of the property and sets the value of the Automation object's property, using the argument list's first argument.  
AUTOSetPropertyInvokeArgs  Passes an argument list data structure and sets the value of the Automation object's property specified in the argument list's first argument.  

For more information on these routines, see the Compaq Visual Fortran online Reference.

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