E.5 National Language Support Routines (WNT, W9*)

National Language Support (NLS) routines provide language localization and a multibyte character set (MBCS) to let you write applications in different languages. To use an NLS routine, add the following statement to the program unit containing the routine:


Table E-5 summarizes the NLS routines. Routine names are shown in mixed case to make the names easier to understand. When writing your applications, you can use any case.

Table E-5 Summary of NLS Routines (WNT, W9*)

Name  Description 
Locale Setting and Inquiry Routines 
NLSEnumCodepages  Returns all the supported codepages on the system. 
NLSEnumLocales  Returns all the languages and country combinations supported by the system. 
NLSGetEnvironmentCodepage  Returns the codepage number for the system (Window) codepage or the console codepage. 
NLSGetLocale  Returns the current language, country, and codepage. 
NLSGetLocaleInfo  Returns requested information about the current local code set. 
NLSSetEnvironmentCodepage  Changes the codepage for the current console. 
NLSSetLocale  Sets the language, country, and codepage. 
Formatting Routines 
NLSFormatCurrency  Formats a number string and returns the correct currency string for the current locale. 
NLSFormatDate  Returns a correctly formatted string containing the date for the current locale. 
NLSFormatNumber  Formats a number string and returns the correct number string for the current locale. 
NLSFormatTime  Returns a correctly formatted string containing the time for the current locale. 
MBCS Inquiry Routines 
MBCharLen  Returns the length of the first multibyte character in a string. 
MBCurMax  Returns the longest possible multibyte character for the current codepage. 
MBLead  Determines whether a given character is the first byte of a multibyte character. 
MBLen  Returns the number of multibyte characters in a string, including trailing spaces. 
MBLen_Trim  Returns the number of multibyte characters in a string, not including trailing spaces. 
MBNext  Returns the string position of the first byte of the multibyte character immediately after the given string position. 
MBPrev  Returns the string position of the first byte of the multibyte character immediately before the given string position. 
MBStrLead  Performs a context sensitive test to determine whether a given byte in a character string is a lead byte. 
MBCS Conversion Routines 
MBConvertMBToUnicode  Converts a character string from a multibyte codepage to a Unicode string. 
MBConvertUnicodeToMB  Converts a Unicode string to a multibyte character string of the current codepage. 
MBJISTToJMS  Converts a Japan Industry Standard (JIS) character to a Microsoft Kanji (Shift JIS or JMS) character. 
MBJMSTToJIS  Converts a Microsoft Kanji (Shift JIS or JMS) character to a Japan Industry Standard (JIS) character. 
MBCS Fortran Equivalent Routines 
MBINCHARQQ  Same as INCHARQQ except that it can read a single multibyte character at once and returns the number of bytes read. 
MBINDEX  Same as INDEX except that multibyte characters can be included in its arguments. 
MBLGE, MBLGT, MBLLE, MBLLT, MBLEQ, MBLNE  Same as LGE, LGT, LLE, LLT, and the operators .EQ. and .NE. except that multibyte characters can be included in their arguments. 
MBSCAN  Same as SCAN except that multibyte characters can be included in its arguments. 
MBVERIFY  Same as VERIFY except that multibyte characters can be included in its arguments. 

For more information on these routines, see the Compaq Visual Fortran online Reference.

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