13.6.12 DISPOSE Specifier

The DISPOSE (or DISP) specifier indicates the status of the file after the unit is closed. It takes one of the following forms:

{ DISPOSE = dis }
{ DISP    = dis }
Is a scalar default character expression that evaluates to one of the following values:

'KEEP' or 'SAVE'   Retains the file after the unit closes. 
'DELETE'   Deletes the file after the unit closes. 
'PRINT' [1]  Submits the file to the line printer spooler and retains it. 
'PRINT/DELETE' [1]  Submits the file to the line printer spooler and then deletes it. 
'SUBMIT'  Forks a process to execute the file. 
'SUBMIT/DELETE'   Forks a process to execute the file, and then deletes the file after the fork is completed. 

[1] Use only on sequential files.

The default is 'DELETE' for scratch files. For all other files, the default is 'KEEP'.

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