11.3.1 Forms for Control Edit Descriptors

A control edit descriptor takes one of the following forms:

Is one of the following format codes: T, TL, TR, X, S, SP, SS, BN, BZ, P, :, /, \, $, and Q.
Is a number of character positions. It must be a positive default integer literal constant; or variable format expression; no kind parameter can be specified. It cannot be a named constant.

The range of n is 1 through 2147483647 (2**31-1) on Alpha processors; 1 through 32767 (2**15-1) on x86 processors. Actual useful ranges may be constrained by record sizes (RECL) and the file system.

Rules and Behavior

In general, control edit descriptors are nonrepeatable. The only exception is the slash (/) edit descriptor, which can be preceded by a repeat specification.

The control edit descriptors have the following specific forms:

Positional:  Tn, TLn, TRn, and nX 
Sign:  S, SP, and SS  
Blank interpretation:  BN and BZ 
Scale factor:  kP 
Miscellaneous:  :, /, \, $, and Q 

The P edit descriptor is an exception to the general control edit descriptor syntax. It is preceded by a scale factor, rather than a character position specifier.

Control edit descriptors can be grouped in parentheses and preceded by a group repeat specification.

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