9.3.103 MODULO (A, P)

Description:  Returns the modulo of the arguments.  
Class:  Elemental function; Generic 
Arguments:  A Must be of type integer or real. 
  P Must have the same type and kind parameters as A. 
Results:  The result type is the same as A. The result value depends on the type of A, as follows:

  • If A is of type integer and P is not equal to zero, the value of the result is A - FLOOR(REAL(A)/REAL(P)) * P.

  • If A is of type real and P is not equal to zero, the value of the result is A - FLOOR(A/P) * P.

If P is equal to zero (regardless of the type of A), the result is undefined.  


MODULO (7, 3) has the value 1.

MODULO (9, -6) has the value -3.

MODULO (-9, 6) has the value 3.

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