8.8.2 Defining Explicit Interfaces

Interface blocks define explicit interfaces for external or dummy procedures. They can also be used to define a generic name for procedures, a new operator for functions, and a new form of assignment for subroutines.

An interface block takes the following form:

 INTERFACE [generic-spec]
    [MODULE PROCEDURE name-list]...
 END INTERFACE [generic-spec]
Is one of the following:
Is one or more function or subroutine subprograms. A function must end with END FUNCTION and a subroutine must end with END SUBROUTINE.

The subprogram must not contain a statement function or a DATA, ENTRY, or FORMAT statement; an entry name can be used as a procedure name.

The subprogram can contain a USE statement.

Is the name of one or more module procedures that are accessible in the host. The MODULE PROCEDURE statement is only allowed if the interface block specifies a generic-spec and has a host that is a module (or accesses a module by use association).

The characteristics of module procedures are not given in interface blocks, but are assumed from the module subprogram definitions.

Rules and Behavior

Interface blocks can appear in the specification part of the program unit that invokes the external or dummy procedure.

A generic-spec can only appear in the END INTERFACE statement if one appears in the INTERFACE statement; they must be identical.

The characteristics specified for the external or dummy procedure must be consistent with those specified in the procedure's definition.

An interface block must not appear in a block data program unit.

An interface block comprises its own scoping unit, and does not inherit anything from its host through host association.

A procedure must not have more than one explicit interface in a given scoping unit.

A interface block containing generic-spec specifies a generic interface for the following procedures:

To make an interface block available to multiple program units (through a USE statement), place the interface block in a module.

The following rules apply to interface blocks containing pure procedures:


The following example shows a simple procedure interface block with no generic specification:

      REAL FB, GN

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