7.1 Branch Statements

Branching affects the normal execution sequence by transferring control to a labeled statement in the same scoping unit. The transfer statement is called the branch statement, while the statement to which the transfer is made is called the branch target statement.

Any executable statement can be a branch target statement, except for the following:

Certain restrictions apply to the following statements:

Statement  Restriction 
DO terminal statement  The branch must be taken from within its nonblock DO construct[1]. 
END DO  The branch must be taken from within its block DO construct. 
END IF  The branch should be taken from within its IF construct[2]. 
END SELECT  The branch must be taken from within its CASE construct. 

[1] If the terminal statement is shared by more than one nonblock DO construct, the branch can only be taken from within the innermost DO construct
[2] You can branch to an END IF statement from outside the IF construct; this is a deleted feature in Fortran 95. Compaq Fortran fully supports features deleted in Fortran 95.

The following branch statements are described in this section:

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