Compaq Fortran
User Manual for
Tru64 UNIX and Linux Alpha Systems

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Edit descriptors
    See LRM
END CRITICAL directive #1
END CRITICAL directive #2
END DO directive #1
END DO directive #2
    NOWAIT clause
END MASTER directive #1
END MASTER directive #2
END ORDERED directive #1
END ORDERED directive #2
END PARALLEL directive #1
END PARALLEL directive #2
END PARALLEL directive #3
END PARALLEL directive #4
END PARALLEL DO directive #1
END PARALLEL DO directive #2
END PARALLEL DO directive #3
END PDO directive #1
END PDO directive #2
    NOWAIT option #1
    NOWAIT option #2
END PSECTIONS directive #1
END PSECTIONS directive #2
END SECTIONS directive #1
END SECTIONS directive #2
    NOWAIT clause
END SINGLE directive
    NOWAIT clause
END specifier #1
END specifier #2
END specifier #3
    See also LRM
ENDFILE records
    effect of -vms option
ENDFILE statement #1
ENDFILE statement #2
    See also LRM
    big and little types
Entry point
ENTRY statement
    See LRM
Environment variables
    adjusting the run-time parallel environment
    associating with files
        effect of -vms option
        effect of -vms option
    commands for setting and unsetting (sh, ksh, csh)
    Compaq Fortran parallel
        specifying directory for temporary files
    converting nonnative numeric data #1
    converting nonnative numeric data #2
    decfort_dump_flag #1
    decfort_dump_flag #2
    displaying values of
    forcing core dump at run time
    FORTn #1
    FORTn #2
    FORTn #3
    FORT_CONVERT.ext #1
    FORT_CONVERT.ext #2
    FOR_PRINT #1
    FOR_PRINT #2
    FOR_READ #1
    FOR_READ #2
    FOR_TYPE #1
    FOR_TYPE #2
    message catalog location
    NLSPATH #1
    NLSPATH #2
    OpenMP parallel
        OMP_NUM_THREADS #1
        OMP_NUM_THREADS #2
    recognized at compile-time
    recognized at run-time
    setting in .login or shell files
    TMPDIR #1
    TMPDIR #2
    TMPDIR #3
    TMPDIR #4
    used by OPEN statement #1
    used by OPEN statement #2
EOR specifier #1
EOR specifier #2
    See also LRM
.EQ. operator
    See LRM
    and data alignment #1
    and data alignment #2
    and implied-DO loop collapsing
    See also LRM
Equivalenced structures
    in data-flow and split lifetime analysis
erf library routine
erfc library routine
ERR specifier #1
ERR specifier #2
    See also LRM
Error function
    returning (library routines) #1
    returning (library routines) #2
Error handling
    arithmetic exception handling #1
    arithmetic exception handling #2
    forcing core dump at run time
    library routines for #1
    library routines for #2
    library routines for #3
    library routines for #4
    operating system
    processing performed by Compaq Fortran RTL
    run-time errors summary
    See also EOR, ERR, IOSTAT
    signals #1
    signals #2
    system errors (errno)
    user controls in I/O statements #1
    user controls in I/O statements #2
    user controls in I/O statements #3
    user controls in I/O statements #4
        See also LRM
    and signals
        effect on linker
        -error_limit nn option
        See also Messages
    driver messages
    forcing core dump at run time
    linker messages
    operating system
    run-time errors summary
    Run-Time Library
    run-time messages
        list, numeric order
        parallel processing
        transporting message file
    See also Error handling; Messages; Signals
-error_limit nn option
etime library routine
Exception (debugging)
    -fpen option #1
    -fpen option #2
    -synchronous_exceptions option #1
    -synchronous_exceptions option #2
    using debugger to locate
Exception handling
    See Arithmetic exception handling
Exceptional IEEE floating-point values
    use in porting OpenVMS Fortran data
Executable programs
    creating using f90 command
    effect of -call_shared option on size
    effect of optimization level on size
    installing using Compaq Tru64 UNIX tools
    naming #1
    naming #2
    See also Program; Parallel execution; Threaded program execution
    specifying name
Explicit interface
    calling non-Fortran subprograms
    effect on array argument passing
    passing pointers
    types of subprograms
    when calling C subprograms
export command (Bourne and Korn and bash shells) #1
export command (Bourne and Korn and bash shells) #2
    parentheses in
        maximum allowed
    See also LRM
-extend_source option
    compatibility with Compaq Fortran 77 for Compaq Tru64 UNIX systems
    compatibility with Compaq Fortran 77 for OpenVMS systems
External names
    appending underscore #1
    appending underscore #2
    case-sensitivity #1
    case-sensitivity #2
    controlling with cDEC$ directives #1
    controlling with cDEC$ directives #2
    controlling with cDEC$ directives #3
    passed between C and Compaq Fortran #1
    passed between C and Compaq Fortran #2
    passed between C and Compaq Fortran #3
    passed between C and Compaq Fortran #4
    specifying alias names
    use of library routines or intrinsics
External procedures
    name passing rule #1
    name passing rule #2
    references and optimization
EXTERNAL statement #1
EXTERNAL statement #2
EXTERNAL statement #3
    for C language functions
    See also LRM
    use with 3f routines
    use with USEROPEN specifier
-f66 option
-f77rtl option #1
-f77rtl option #2
f90 command
    alignment options #1
    alignment options #2
    alignment options #3
    and cc and ccc
    and ld #1
    and ld #2
    and other software components #1
    and other software components #2
    arithmetic exceptions and reporting
        -check underflow option
        -fpe options
        -math_library fast option
        -speculate option
        -synchronous_exceptions option
    C language main program
    command options for efficient run-time performance
    consistent use of options for multiple compilations #1
    consistent use of options for multiple compilations #2
    creating module files
    creating shared libraries
    debugging options
    driver program #1
    driver program #2
    error messages
        application with modules
        compiling multiple files
        compiling multiple files for efficient run-time performance #1
        compiling multiple files for efficient run-time performance #2
        for debugging
        linking object file
        module subprogram
        multiple source files
        preserving object file
        profiling (gprof)
        profiling (prof)
        renaming output file
        requesting listing file
        requesting software pipelining
        separate and combined compilation
        single file
        specifying additional link libraries
        using .c file #1
        using .c file #2
        using different file name suffixes
    file name suffixes
        effect on cpp use
        effect on source form
        interaction with options
    files created by
    for efficient run-time performance
    groups of options
    include file use
    linking #1
    linking #2
    list of options
    listing file with machine code
    module file use
    multiple source files
    name of compiler
    name on Tru64 UNIX systems
    object libraries for 3f routines
        effect on output files
        for HPF parallel processing
        listed in functional groups
        passed to cc or ld
    OPTIONS statement, effect on options
    output files
    passing options to preprocessors
    processes used by
    recognized file name suffix characters
    return values
    source file directives, effect on options
        additional directory for ld
        additional library for ld
        directory for module files
        directory for temporary files
        include files
        input files #1
        input files #2
        listing of include file
        output file
    temporary files
falloc library routine
-fast option #1
-fast option #2
fdate library routine
Feedback files
    related f90 options #1
    related f90 options #2
    related f90 options #3
    use with f90 command
Feedback on documentation
    sending comments to Compaq
-feedback option #1
-feedback option #2
fgetc library routine
    in common blocks
        causes of unaligned data
        options controlling alignment #1
        options controlling alignment #2
        options controlling alignment #3
    in derived-type data and record structures
        causes of unaligned data
        controlling alignment
        options controlling alignment #1
        options controlling alignment #2
        options controlling alignment #3
file command
File descriptor
    returning (library routine)
File descriptor limit
    increasing number per process
File format
    See also Record type; Formatted data; Unformatted files
File name
    application of defaults
    compiler defaults #1
    compiler defaults #2
    environment variable
    I/O statements default use
    in I/O statements
    OPEN statement specifiers #1
    OPEN statement specifiers #2
    setting environment variables for
        and source form #1
        and source form #2
        object files
        preprocessor intermediate files
        source files
File organization
    available storage media
    default for OPEN statement
    I/O statements for
    importance of specifying in OPEN statement
    overview (sequential, relative)
    record types for
    See also Sequential files; Relative files
File sharing
    OPEN statement, SHARED specifier
File specification
    differences with OpenVMS Fortran
File specifications
    use in OPEN statements
FILE specifier #1
FILE specifier #2
FILE specifier #3
FILE specifier #4
    See also LRM
    changing output file names (f90) #1
    changing output file names (f90) #2
    changing output file names (f90) #3
    combining at source compilation
    compiling multiple input files (f90)
    compiling multiple input files (f90 and fort)
    created by f90
    determining accessibility of (library routine)
    effect of options on output files (f90)
    external, definition
        related options
    file descriptor for USEROPEN function
    INCLUDE files
    input to f90 #1
    input to f90 #2
    module files
    object files created by f90
    opening using USEROPEN function
    protection of created (library routine)
    protection of existing (library routine)
    relative organization
    renaming (library routine)
    retaining object files (f90) #1
    retaining object files (f90) #2
    sequential organization
    specifying access using USEROPEN function
    specifying name and pathname
        example program
    status of (library routine) #1
    status of (library routine) #2
    temporary (f90) #1
    temporary (f90) #2
FIND statement
    See also LRM
    for DO directive #1
    for DO directive #2
    for PARALLEL directive #1
    for PARALLEL directive #2
    for PARALLEL DO directive #1
    for PARALLEL DO directive #2
    for PARALLEL SECTIONS directive #1
    for PARALLEL SECTIONS directive #2
    for SECTIONS directive #1
    for SECTIONS directive #2
    for SINGLE directive #1
    for SINGLE directive #2
    for PARALLEL directive
    for PARALLEL DO directive
    for PARALLEL SECTIONS directive
    for PDO directive
    for PSECTIONS directive
    for SINGLE PROCESS directive
Fixed-length records #1
Fixed-length records #2
    data transferred by I/O statements
    importance of specifying record length
    OpenVMS data compatibility
    requirement for direct access #1
    requirement for direct access #2
    use for optimal performance
-fixed option
Fixed source form prefixes
    Compaq Fortran parallel directives
    OpenMP conditional compilation
    OpenMP directives
FLOAT intrinsic function
    options controlling size returned
    See also LRM
Floating-point data types
    arithmetic exception handling #1
    arithmetic exception handling #2
    comparison of OpenVMS and native formats
        request double precision
    CRAY big endian formats
    declarations and options #1
    declarations and options #2
        See also LRM
    denormal values
    digits of precision
    endian (big and little)
    endian order of native formats
    exceptional values #1
    exceptional values #2
    handling of single-precision constants
    IBM big endian formats
    IEEE big endian formats
    IEEE denormalized values
    IEEE style X_float #1
    IEEE style X_float #2
    IEEE S_float #1
    IEEE S_float #2
    IEEE T_float #1
    IEEE T_float #2
    methods of specifying nonnative formats
    NaN values
    nonnative formats
    normal and denormalized values of native formats
    obtaining unformatted numeric formats
    options controlling size of COMPLEX and REAL declarations
    options controlling size of DOUBLE PRECISION declarations
    options related to accuracy #1
    options related to accuracy #2
    options related to exceptions
    porting VAX formats
    ranges #1
    ranges #2
    ranges #3
    representation of native formats
    representation of VAX formats
    representation of zero
    rounding modes
    routines for arithmetic exception handling #1
    routines for arithmetic exception handling #2
    values for constants
    VAX D_float format #1
    VAX D_float format #2
    VAX D_float format #3
    VAX F_float format #1
    VAX F_float format #2
    VAX F_float format #3
    VAX F_float format #4
    VAX F_float format #5
    VAX G_float format #1
    VAX G_float format #2
    VAX G_float format #3
    zero values
FLUSH directive #1
FLUSH directive #2
flush library routine #1
flush library routine #2
FMT specifier
    See also LRM
    prefix for condition symbols
        for run-time errors
FORALL statement
    array optimizations
    See also LRM
foriosdef.f file
    condition symbol values
fork library routine
FORM specifier #1
FORM specifier #2
FORM specifier #3
    See also LRM
    Compaq Fortran parallel directives
    OpenMP directives
Format descriptors
    option controlling format mismatch handling
    See also LRM
Format groups
    nesting limits
FORMAT statement
    and implied-DO loop collapsing
Format statement
    length limit
FORMAT statement
    See also LRM
Formatted data
    and DO loop collapsing
    and I/O statements
    and variable format expressions
    effect on run-time performance
    with Fortran carriage control, fpr command
Formatted I/O statements
    option controlling format mismatch handling
    option controlling format truncation handling
    See also LRM
fort command
    and other software components
    debugging options
    driver program
        multiple source files
    groups of options
    list of options
    name on Linux systems
    object libraries for 3f routines
        listed in functional groups
FORTn environment variable #1
FORTn environment variable #2
Fortran 90
    reusing source file code
    sample main and subprogram #1
    sample main and subprogram #2
    source file contents
    source form
        file name suffix
Fortran 95
    Standard checking
Fortran 95/90
    Compaq Tru64 UNIX library routines
    logical unit numbers
    source form
        file name suffix
        and RECL units for unformatted files
        -assume dummy_aliases option #1
        -assume dummy_aliases option #2
Fortran carriage control
    fpr command
Fortran compiler
    See f90 command
    options for compatibility
Fortran preprocessors
    and cpp
    and fpp
    invoking cpp
    retaining temporary files
Fortran statements
    coding restrictions and limits summary
    maximum line length
    See also LRM; appropriate statement name
FORT_CONVERT.ext environment variable
    use with nonnative numeric data
FORT_CONVERTn environment variable
    use with nonnative numeric data
FOR_ACCEPT environment variable
for_get_fpe library routine #1
for_get_fpe library routine #2
FOR_PRINT environment variable
FOR_READ environment variable
for_rtl_finish_ library routine (C)
for_rtl_init_ library routine (C)
for_set_fpe library routine #1
for_set_fpe library routine #2
FOR_TYPE environment variable
-fpconstant option
-fpe options
-fpen option
    use when debugging #1
    use when debugging #2
-fpp option
fpr command
-fprm option
fputc library routine
FP_CLASS intrinsic
-fp_reorder option #1
-fp_reorder option #2
    effect of -fast option
free library routine
-free option
Free source form prefixes
    Compaq Fortran parallel directives
    OpenMP conditional compilation
    OpenMP directives
Freeing and allocating virtual memory (library routine)
fseek library routine
fsplit command
fstat library routine
ftell library routine
ftp command
    use in porting OpenVMS Fortran data
Function reference
    maximum arguments allowed
Function return values
    changing default passing mechanisms
    default passing mechanism
    passing rules
    passing with Compaq Fortran
    with C
    with Compaq Fortran
    with Compaq Fortran 77
FUNCTION statement
    See also LRM
    alternate entry points
    C language
    declaration statements
    example declaration
    example interface block in module
    example use
        3f routines #1
        3f routines #2
        with module
    %LOC, %VAL, %REF
    See also Intrinsic procedures; Library routines
-fuse_xref option

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