COM+[6:31:28]: ******************************************************************************** COM+[6:31:28]: Setup started - [DATE:06,03,2002 TIME: 06:31 pm] COM+[6:31:28]: ******************************************************************************** COM+[6:31:28]: Start OC_INIT_COMPONENT Component = com COM+[6:31:28]: INF VERSION (com) = 1999,9,3422,5 COM+[6:31:28]: Instantiating CMasterNT5Srv COM+[6:31:28]: Memory usage for setup process... COM+[6:31:28]: PeakWorkingSetSize: 23372 Kb, WorkingSetSize: 17748 Kb COM+[6:31:28]: QuotaPeakPagedPoolUsage: 38 Kb, QuotaPagedPoolUsage: 38 Kb COM+[6:31:28]: PeakPagefileUsage: 15752 Kb, PagefileUsage: 15348 Kb COM+[6:31:28]: MTSS: Answer File = COM+[6:31:28]: Calling SetupOpenInfFile. COM+[6:31:28]: Unable to open Answer File!! COM+[6:31:28]: DRID-39104 -> Path: C:\WINNT\Java\Trustlib\ COM+[6:31:28]: Installed COM product version = COM+[6:31:29]: SETUP VERSION = COM+[6:31:29]: Installation Mode = FRESH COM+[6:31:29]: Setup Mode = CUSTOM COM+[6:31:29]: DRID-39103 -> Path: C:\Program Files\Common Files\ODBC\Data Sources\ COM+[6:31:29]: End OC_INIT_COMPONENT Return Value = 0 COM+[6:31:29]: Start OC_INIT_COMPONENT Component = dtc COM+[6:31:29]: INF VERSION (dtc) = 1999,9,3421,0 COM+[6:31:29]: Installed DTC product version = COM+[6:31:29]: DTC Installation Mode = FRESH COM+[6:31:29]: DTC Setup Mode = CUSTOM COM+[6:31:29]: End OC_INIT_COMPONENT Return Value = 0 COM+[6:31:30]: Start OC_QUERY_STATEComponent = dtc Subcomponent = dtc COM+[6:31:30]: Subcomponent dtc state: O-,C-,R- COM+[6:31:30]: End OC_QUERY_STATE Return Value = 0 COM+[6:31:31]: Start OC_QUERY_STATEComponent = com Subcomponent = com COM+[6:31:31]: Subcomponent com state: O-,C-,R- COM+[6:31:31]: End OC_QUERY_STATE Return Value = 0 COM+[10:15:32]: ******************************************************************************** COM+[10:15:32]: Setup started - [DATE:06,04,2002 TIME: 10:15 am] COM+[10:15:32]: ******************************************************************************** COM+[10:15:32]: Start OC_INIT_COMPONENT Component = com COM+[10:15:32]: INF VERSION (com) = 1999,9,3422,5 COM+[10:15:33]: Instantiating CMasterNT5Srv COM+[10:15:33]: Memory usage for setup process... COM+[10:15:33]: PeakWorkingSetSize: 21716 Kb, WorkingSetSize: 16368 Kb COM+[10:15:33]: QuotaPeakPagedPoolUsage: 39 Kb, QuotaPagedPoolUsage: 39 Kb COM+[10:15:33]: PeakPagefileUsage: 13656 Kb, PagefileUsage: 13300 Kb COM+[10:15:33]: MTSS: Answer File = COM+[10:15:33]: Calling SetupOpenInfFile. COM+[10:15:33]: Unable to open Answer File!! COM+[10:15:33]: DRID-39104 -> Path: C:\WINNT\Java\Trustlib\ COM+[10:15:33]: Installed COM product version = COM+[10:15:33]: SETUP VERSION = COM+[10:15:33]: Installation Mode = FRESH COM+[10:15:33]: Setup Mode = CUSTOM COM+[10:15:33]: DRID-39103 -> Path: C:\Program Files\Common Files\ODBC\Data Sources\ COM+[10:15:33]: End OC_INIT_COMPONENT Return Value = 0 COM+[10:15:33]: Start OC_INIT_COMPONENT Component = dtc COM+[10:15:33]: INF VERSION (dtc) = 1999,9,3421,0 COM+[10:15:33]: Installed DTC product version = COM+[10:15:33]: DTC Installation Mode = FRESH COM+[10:15:33]: DTC Setup Mode = CUSTOM COM+[10:15:33]: End OC_INIT_COMPONENT Return Value = 0 COM+[10:15:35]: Start OC_QUERY_STATEComponent = dtc Subcomponent = dtc COM+[10:15:35]: Subcomponent dtc state: O-,C-,R- COM+[10:15:35]: End OC_QUERY_STATE Return Value = 0 COM+[10:15:35]: Start OC_QUERY_STATEComponent = com Subcomponent = com COM+[10:15:35]: Subcomponent com state: O-,C-,R- COM+[10:15:35]: End OC_QUERY_STATE Return Value = 0 COM+[10:43:53]: Start OC_QUERY_CHANGE_SEL_STATE Component = dtc Subcomponent = dtc COM+[10:43:53]: Subcomponent dtc state: O-,C-,R- COM+[10:43:53]: End OC_QUERY_CHANGE_SEL_STATE Return Value = 1 COM+[10:43:53]: Start OC_QUERY_CHANGE_SEL_STATE Component = com Subcomponent = com COM+[10:43:53]: Subcomponent com state: O-,C-,R- COM+[10:43:53]: End OC_QUERY_CHANGE_SEL_STATE Return Value = 1 COM+[10:43:53]: Start OC_QUERY_CHANGE_SEL_STATE Component = dtc Subcomponent = dtc COM+[10:43:53]: Subcomponent dtc state: O-,C+,R- COM+[10:43:53]: End OC_QUERY_CHANGE_SEL_STATE Return Value = 1 COM+[10:43:53]: Start OC_QUERY_CHANGE_SEL_STATE Component = com Subcomponent = com COM+[10:43:53]: Subcomponent com state: O-,C+,R- COM+[10:43:53]: End OC_QUERY_CHANGE_SEL_STATE Return Value = 1 COM+[10:43:53]: Start OC_QUERY_CHANGE_SEL_STATE Component = dtc Subcomponent = dtc COM+[10:43:53]: Subcomponent dtc state: O-,C+,R- COM+[10:43:53]: End OC_QUERY_CHANGE_SEL_STATE Return Value = 1 COM+[10:43:53]: Start OC_QUERY_CHANGE_SEL_STATE Component = com Subcomponent = com COM+[10:43:53]: Subcomponent com state: O-,C+,R- COM+[10:43:53]: End OC_QUERY_CHANGE_SEL_STATE Return Value = 1 COM+[10:43:53]: Start OC_QUERY_CHANGE_SEL_STATE Component = dtc Subcomponent = dtc COM+[10:43:53]: Subcomponent dtc state: O-,C+,R- COM+[10:43:53]: End OC_QUERY_CHANGE_SEL_STATE Return Value = 1 COM+[10:43:53]: Start OC_QUERY_CHANGE_SEL_STATE Component = com Subcomponent = com COM+[10:43:53]: Subcomponent com state: O-,C+,R- COM+[10:43:53]: End OC_QUERY_CHANGE_SEL_STATE Return Value = 1 COM+[10:43:53]: Start OC_QUERY_CHANGE_SEL_STATE Component = dtc Subcomponent = dtc COM+[10:43:53]: Subcomponent dtc state: O-,C+,R- COM+[10:43:53]: End OC_QUERY_CHANGE_SEL_STATE Return Value = 1 COM+[10:43:53]: Start OC_QUERY_CHANGE_SEL_STATE Component = com Subcomponent = com COM+[10:43:53]: Subcomponent com state: O-,C+,R- COM+[10:43:53]: End OC_QUERY_CHANGE_SEL_STATE Return Value = 1 COM+[10:43:54]: Start OC_CALC_DISK_SPACE Component = dtc Subcomponent = dtc COM+[10:43:55]: End OC_CALC_DISK_SPACE Return Value = 0 COM+[10:43:55]: Start OC_CALC_DISK_SPACE Component = com Subcomponent = com COM+[10:43:55]: End OC_CALC_DISK_SPACE Return Value = 0 COM+[10:50:58]: Start OC_QUEUE_FILE_OPS Component = com Subcomponent = COM+[10:50:58]: End OC_QUEUE_FILE_OPS Return Value = 0 COM+[10:50:59]: Start OC_QUEUE_FILE_OPS Component = com Subcomponent = com COM+[10:50:59]: Subcomponent com state: O-,C+,R- COM+[10:50:59]: Reading persistent registry values COM+[10:50:59]: Finished reading persistent registry values, retval = 0x0 COM+[10:50:59]: Queuing file ops for component com, Section Name: com_install COM+[10:50:59]: The following files will be copied: COM+[10:50:59]: C:\WINNT\System32\clbcatq.dll COM+[10:50:59]: C:\WINNT\System32\comsnap.dll COM+[10:50:59]: C:\WINNT\System32\comuid.dll COM+[10:50:59]: C:\WINNT\System32\comsvcs.dll COM+[10:50:59]: C:\WINNT\System32\txflog.dll COM+[10:50:59]: C:\WINNT\System32\catsrv.dll COM+[10:50:59]: C:\WINNT\System32\catsrvut.dll COM+[10:50:59]: C:\WINNT\System32\clbcatex.dll COM+[10:50:59]: C:\WINNT\System32\catsrvps.dll COM+[10:50:59]: C:\WINNT\System32\stclient.dll COM+[10:50:59]: C:\WINNT\System32\comrepl.dll COM+[10:50:59]: C:\WINNT\System32\comaddin.dll COM+[10:50:59]: C:\WINNT\System32\DComExt.dll COM+[10:50:59]: C:\WINNT\System32\Com\comadmin.dll COM+[10:50:59]: C:\WINNT\System32\mtxdm.dll COM+[10:50:59]: C:\WINNT\System32\mtxex.dll COM+[10:50:59]: C:\WINNT\System32\mtxlegih.dll COM+[10:50:59]: C:\WINNT\System32\comclust.exe COM+[10:50:59]: C:\WINNT\System32\colbact.dll COM+[10:50:59]: C:\WINNT\System32\Com\comexp.msc COM+[10:50:59]: C:\WINNT\System32\Com\comrepl.exe COM+[10:50:59]: C:\WINNT\System32\Com\comempty.dat COM+[10:50:59]: C:\WINNT\System32\Com\comrereg.exe COM+[10:50:59]: C:\WINNT\System32\Com\migregdb.exe COM+[10:50:59]: C:\WINNT\System32\Com\mtsadmin.tlb COM+[10:50:59]: C:\WINNT\Java\Trustlib\com\ms\mtx\AppServer.class COM+[10:50:59]: C:\WINNT\Java\Trustlib\com\ms\mtx\Context.class COM+[10:50:59]: C:\WINNT\Java\Trustlib\com\ms\mtx\IEnumNames.class COM+[10:50:59]: C:\WINNT\Java\Trustlib\com\ms\mtx\IGetContextProperties.class COM+[10:50:59]: C:\WINNT\Java\Trustlib\com\ms\mtx\IMTxAS.class COM+[10:50:59]: C:\WINNT\Java\Trustlib\com\ms\mtx\IObjectContext.class COM+[10:50:59]: C:\WINNT\Java\Trustlib\com\ms\mtx\IObjectControl.class COM+[10:50:59]: C:\WINNT\Java\Trustlib\com\ms\mtx\ISharedProperty.class COM+[10:50:59]: C:\WINNT\Java\Trustlib\com\ms\mtx\ISharedPropertyGroup.class COM+[10:50:59]: C:\WINNT\Java\Trustlib\com\ms\mtx\ISharedPropertyGroupManager.class COM+[10:50:59]: C:\WINNT\Java\Trustlib\com\ms\mtx\ITransactionContextEx.class COM+[10:50:59]: C:\WINNT\Java\Trustlib\com\ms\mtx\MTx.class COM+[10:50:59]: C:\WINNT\Java\Trustlib\com\ms\mtx\ObjectContext.class COM+[10:50:59]: C:\WINNT\Java\Trustlib\com\ms\mtx\SecurityProperty.class COM+[10:50:59]: C:\WINNT\Java\Trustlib\com\ms\mtx\SharedPropertyGroupManager.class COM+[10:50:59]: C:\WINNT\Java\Trustlib\com\ms\mtx\TransactionContextEx.class COM+[10:50:59]: C:\WINNT\Java\Trustlib\com\ms\mtx\IContextState.class COM+[10:50:59]: C:\WINNT\Java\Trustlib\com\ms\mtx\IObjectContextInfo.class COM+[10:50:59]: C:\WINNT\Java\Trustlib\com\ms\mtx\ISecurityCallContext.class COM+[10:50:59]: C:\WINNT\Java\Trustlib\com\ms\mtx\ISecurityCallersColl.class COM+[10:50:59]: C:\WINNT\Java\Trustlib\com\ms\mtx\ISecurityIdentityColl.class COM+[10:50:59]: C:\WINNT\Java\Trustlib\com\ms\mtx\SecurityCallContext.class COM+[10:50:59]: C:\WINNT\Java\Trustlib\com\ms\mtx\SecurityCaller.class COM+[10:50:59]: The following files will be deleted: COM+[10:50:59]: C:\WINNT\System32\QCMk.dll COM+[10:50:59]: C:\WINNT\System32\MTxMQRec.dll COM+[10:50:59]: C:\WINNT\System32\QCRecPS.dll COM+[10:50:59]: C:\WINNT\System32\MtxMQply.dll COM+[10:50:59]: C:\WINNT\System32\QCPlyPS.dll COM+[10:50:59]: C:\WINNT\System32\QCListPS.dll COM+[10:50:59]: C:\WINNT\System32\MTxQListener.Dll COM+[10:50:59]: C:\WINNT\System32\QMover.Dll COM+[10:50:59]: C:\WINNT\System32\DtcCrm.dll COM+[10:50:59]: C:\WINNT\System32\ComQC.dll COM+[10:50:59]: C:\WINNT\System32\com\QCApp.exe COM+[10:50:59]: C:\WINNT\System32\com\QCListen.exe COM+[10:50:59]: C:\WINNT\System32\com\QComp.exe COM+[10:50:59]: C:\WINNT\System32\comexpd.dll COM+[10:50:59]: C:\WINNT\System32\esshared.dll COM+[10:50:59]: C:\WINNT\System32\esenu.dll COM+[10:50:59]: C:\WINNT\System32\mtxjava.dll COM+[10:50:59]: C:\WINNT\System32\com\comempty_1776.dat COM+[10:50:59]: C:\WINNT\System32\com\QCApp.vbs COM+[10:50:59]: C:\WINNT\System32\com\QCListen.vbs COM+[10:50:59]: C:\WINNT\System32\com\QComp.vbs COM+[10:50:59]: C:\WINNT\System32\comlbsvc.exe COM+[10:50:59]: C:\WINNT\System32\imdbsrv.exe COM+[10:50:59]: C:\WINNT\System32\pcnfgmax.ini COM+[10:50:59]: C:\WINNT\System32\pcnfgmax.h COM+[10:50:59]: C:\WINNT\System32\pcnfgmin.ini COM+[10:50:59]: C:\WINNT\System32\pcnfgmin.h COM+[10:50:59]: C:\WINNT\System32\comexps.dll COM+[10:50:59]: C:\WINNT\System32\estier2.dll COM+[10:50:59]: C:\WINNT\System32\corteng.dll COM+[10:50:59]: C:\WINNT\System32\colbcfw.dll COM+[10:50:59]: C:\WINNT\System32\msimdbmg.dll COM+[10:50:59]: C:\WINNT\System32\msimdbpc.dll COM+[10:50:59]: C:\WINNT\System32\msimdbcr.dll COM+[10:50:59]: C:\WINNT\System32\msimdbpr.dll COM+[10:50:59]: Nuke registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\COM3\Setup. COM+[10:50:59]: DRID-39105 -> Path: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users.WINNT\「開始」功能表\程式集\ COM+[10:50:59]: End OC_QUEUE_FILE_OPS Return Value = 0 COM+[10:50:59]: Start OC_QUEUE_FILE_OPS Component = dtc Subcomponent = COM+[10:50:59]: End OC_QUEUE_FILE_OPS Return Value = 0 COM+[10:50:59]: Start OC_QUEUE_FILE_OPS Component = dtc Subcomponent = dtc COM+[10:50:59]: Subcomponent dtc state: O-,C+,R- COM+[10:50:59]: Reading persistent registry values COM+[10:50:59]: Finished reading persistent registry values, retval = 0x0 COM+[10:50:59]: Queuing file ops for component dtc, Section Name: dtc_install COM+[10:50:59]: The following files will be copied: COM+[10:50:59]: C:\WINNT\System32\dtcsetup.exe COM+[10:50:59]: C:\WINNT\System32\msdtc.exe COM+[10:50:59]: C:\WINNT\System32\msdtclog.dll COM+[10:50:59]: C:\WINNT\System32\msdtcprf.h COM+[10:50:59]: C:\WINNT\System32\msdtcprf.ini COM+[10:50:59]: C:\WINNT\System32\txfaux.dll COM+[10:50:59]: C:\WINNT\System32\xolehlp.dll COM+[10:50:59]: C:\WINNT\System32\msdtcui.dll COM+[10:50:59]: C:\WINNT\System32\msdtctm.dll COM+[10:50:59]: C:\WINNT\System32\msdtcprx.dll COM+[10:50:59]: C:\WINNT\System32\mtxoci.dll COM+[10:50:59]: The following files will be deleted: COM+[10:50:59]: C:\WINNT\System32\msdtcmgr.exe COM+[10:50:59]: C:\WINNT\System32\comasc.dll COM+[10:50:59]: C:\WINNT\System32\daccom.dll COM+[10:50:59]: C:\WINNT\System32\dtcadmc.dll COM+[10:50:59]: C:\WINNT\System32\dtccfg.cpl COM+[10:50:59]: C:\WINNT\System32\dtcmgwtx.dll COM+[10:50:59]: C:\WINNT\System32\dtcmtx.dll COM+[10:50:59]: C:\WINNT\System32\dtcpsym.h COM+[10:50:59]: C:\WINNT\System32\dtctcpcm.dll COM+[10:50:59]: C:\WINNT\System32\dtctipcm.dll COM+[10:50:59]: C:\WINNT\System32\dtctipin.dll COM+[10:50:59]: C:\WINNT\System32\dtctipsm.dll COM+[10:50:59]: C:\WINNT\System32\dtcuis.dll COM+[10:50:59]: C:\WINNT\System32\dtcxatm.dll COM+[10:50:59]: C:\WINNT\System32\komdll.dll COM+[10:50:59]: C:\WINNT\System32\msdtc.dll COM+[10:50:59]: C:\WINNT\System32\msdtcw.exe COM+[10:50:59]: C:\WINNT\System32\svcsrvl.dll COM+[10:50:59]: C:\WINNT\System32\dac.exe COM+[10:50:59]: Nuke registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MSDTC\Setup. COM+[10:50:59]: DRID-39105 -> Path: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users.WINNT\「開始」功能表\程式集\ COM+[10:50:59]: End OC_QUEUE_FILE_OPS Return Value = 0 COM+[10:51:1]: Start OC_QUERY_STEP_COUNT Component = com Subcomponent = COM+[10:51:1]: End OC_QUERY_STEP_COUNT Return Value = 0 COM+[10:51:1]: Start OC_QUERY_STEP_COUNT Component = com Subcomponent = com COM+[10:51:1]: End OC_QUERY_STEP_COUNT Return Value = 52 COM+[10:51:1]: Start OC_QUERY_STEP_COUNT Component = dtc Subcomponent = COM+[10:51:1]: End OC_QUERY_STEP_COUNT Return Value = 0 COM+[10:51:1]: Start OC_QUERY_STEP_COUNT Component = dtc Subcomponent = dtc COM+[10:51:1]: End OC_QUERY_STEP_COUNT Return Value = 15 COM+[10:51:2]: Start OC_ABOUT_TO_COMMIT_QUEUE Component = com Subcomponent = COM+[10:51:2]: No PendingFileRenameOperations COM+[10:51:2]: End OC_ABOUT_TO_COMMIT_QUEUE Return Value = 0 COM+[10:51:2]: Start OC_ABOUT_TO_COMMIT_QUEUE Component = dtc Subcomponent = COM+[10:51:2]: No PendingFileRenameOperations COM+[10:51:2]: End OC_ABOUT_TO_COMMIT_QUEUE Return Value = 0 COM+[10:51:2]: Start OC_ABOUT_TO_COMMIT_QUEUE Component = com Subcomponent = com COM+[10:51:2]: Subcomponent com state: O-,C+,R- COM+[10:51:2]: Stopping service ComLB... COM+[10:51:2]: Stopping service EventSystem... COM+[10:51:2]: Stopping service SENS... COM+[10:51:2]: Stopping service ImdbServer... COM+[10:51:2]: Unregistering C:\WINNT\System32\QCMk.dll. COM+[10:51:2]: Before call to LoadLibraryEx - Module: C:\WINNT\System32\QCMk.dll COM+[10:51:2]: Setup Warning: ..\csetuputil.cpp 3500 0x8007007e. COM+[10:51:5]: Unregistering C:\WINNT\System32\MTxMQRec.dll. COM+[10:51:5]: Before call to LoadLibraryEx - Module: C:\WINNT\System32\MTxMQRec.dll COM+[10:51:5]: Setup Warning: ..\csetuputil.cpp 3500 0x8007007e. COM+[10:51:5]: Unregistering C:\WINNT\System32\QCRecPS.dll. COM+[10:51:5]: Before call to LoadLibraryEx - Module: C:\WINNT\System32\QCRecPS.dll COM+[10:51:5]: Setup Warning: ..\csetuputil.cpp 3500 0x8007007e. COM+[10:51:5]: Unregistering C:\WINNT\System32\MtxMQply.dll. COM+[10:51:5]: Before call to LoadLibraryEx - Module: C:\WINNT\System32\MtxMQply.dll COM+[10:51:5]: Setup Warning: ..\csetuputil.cpp 3500 0x8007007e. COM+[10:51:5]: Unregistering C:\WINNT\System32\QCPlyPS.dll. COM+[10:51:5]: Before call to LoadLibraryEx - Module: C:\WINNT\System32\QCPlyPS.dll COM+[10:51:5]: Setup Warning: ..\csetuputil.cpp 3500 0x8007007e. COM+[10:51:5]: Unregistering C:\WINNT\System32\QCListPS.dll. COM+[10:51:5]: Before call to LoadLibraryEx - Module: C:\WINNT\System32\QCListPS.dll COM+[10:51:5]: Setup Warning: ..\csetuputil.cpp 3500 0x8007007e. COM+[10:51:5]: Unregistering C:\WINNT\System32\MTxQListener.Dll. COM+[10:51:5]: Before call to LoadLibraryEx - Module: C:\WINNT\System32\MTxQListener.Dll COM+[10:51:5]: Setup Warning: ..\csetuputil.cpp 3500 0x8007007e. COM+[10:51:5]: Unregistering C:\WINNT\System32\QMover.Dll. COM+[10:51:5]: Before call to LoadLibraryEx - Module: C:\WINNT\System32\QMover.Dll COM+[10:51:5]: Setup Warning: ..\csetuputil.cpp 3500 0x8007007e. COM+[10:51:5]: Unregistering C:\WINNT\System32\DtcCrm.dll. COM+[10:51:5]: Before call to LoadLibraryEx - Module: C:\WINNT\System32\DtcCrm.dll COM+[10:51:5]: Setup Warning: ..\csetuputil.cpp 3500 0x8007007e. COM+[10:51:5]: Unregistering C:\WINNT\System32\ComQC.dll. COM+[10:51:5]: Before call to LoadLibraryEx - Module: C:\WINNT\System32\ComQC.dll COM+[10:51:5]: Setup Warning: ..\csetuputil.cpp 3500 0x8007007e. COM+[10:51:5]: Unregistering C:\WINNT\System32\comexps.dll. COM+[10:51:5]: Before call to LoadLibraryEx - Module: C:\WINNT\System32\comexps.dll COM+[10:51:5]: Setup Warning: ..\csetuputil.cpp 3500 0x8007007e. COM+[10:51:5]: Unregistering C:\WINNT\System32\estier2.dll. COM+[10:51:5]: Before call to LoadLibraryEx - Module: C:\WINNT\System32\estier2.dll COM+[10:51:6]: Setup Warning: ..\csetuputil.cpp 3500 0x8007007e. COM+[10:51:6]: Unregistering C:\WINNT\System32\corteng.dll. COM+[10:51:6]: Before call to LoadLibraryEx - Module: C:\WINNT\System32\corteng.dll COM+[10:51:6]: Setup Warning: ..\csetuputil.cpp 3500 0x8007007e. COM+[10:51:6]: Unregistering C:\WINNT\System32\colbcfw.dll. COM+[10:51:6]: Before call to LoadLibraryEx - Module: C:\WINNT\System32\colbcfw.dll COM+[10:51:6]: Setup Warning: ..\csetuputil.cpp 3500 0x8007007e. COM+[10:51:6]: Unregistering C:\WINNT\System32\msimdbmg.dll. COM+[10:51:6]: Before call to LoadLibraryEx - Module: C:\WINNT\System32\msimdbmg.dll COM+[10:51:6]: Setup Warning: ..\csetuputil.cpp 3500 0x8007007e. COM+[10:51:6]: Unregistering C:\WINNT\System32\msimdbpc.dll. COM+[10:51:6]: Before call to LoadLibraryEx - Module: C:\WINNT\System32\msimdbpc.dll COM+[10:51:6]: Setup Warning: ..\csetuputil.cpp 3500 0x8007007e. COM+[10:51:6]: Unregistering C:\WINNT\System32\msimdbcr.dll. COM+[10:51:6]: Before call to LoadLibraryEx - Module: C:\WINNT\System32\msimdbcr.dll COM+[10:51:6]: Setup Warning: ..\csetuputil.cpp 3500 0x8007007e. COM+[10:51:6]: Unregistering C:\WINNT\System32\msimdbpr.dll. COM+[10:51:6]: Before call to LoadLibraryEx - Module: C:\WINNT\System32\msimdbpr.dll COM+[10:51:6]: Setup Warning: ..\csetuputil.cpp 3500 0x8007007e. COM+[10:51:6]: End OC_ABOUT_TO_COMMIT_QUEUE Return Value = 0 COM+[10:51:6]: Start OC_ABOUT_TO_COMMIT_QUEUE Component = dtc Subcomponent = dtc COM+[10:51:6]: Subcomponent dtc state: O-,C+,R- COM+[10:51:6]: Stopping MSDTC... COM+[10:51:6]: End OC_ABOUT_TO_COMMIT_QUEUE Return Value = 0 COM+[10:57:6]: Start OC_COMPLETE_INSTALLATION Component = com Subcomponent = COM+[10:57:6]: No PendingFileRenameOperations COM+[10:57:6]: End OC_COMPLETE_INSTALLATION Return Value = 0 COM+[10:57:6]: Start OC_COMPLETE_INSTALLATION Component = dtc Subcomponent = COM+[10:57:6]: No PendingFileRenameOperations COM+[10:57:6]: End OC_COMPLETE_INSTALLATION Return Value = 0 COM+[10:57:41]: Start OC_COMPLETE_INSTALLATION Component = dtc Subcomponent = dtc COM+[10:57:41]: Subcomponent dtc state: O-,C+,R+ COM+[10:57:41]: Queuing reg ops for component dtc, Section Name: dtc_install COM+[10:57:41]: Registering C:\WINNT\System32\msdtcui.dll. COM+[10:57:41]: Before call to LoadLibraryEx - Module: C:\WINNT\System32\msdtcui.dll COM+[10:57:41]: After call to LoadLibraryEx - Module: C:\WINNT\System32\msdtcui.dll COM+[10:57:41]: Before call to DllRegisterServer - Module: C:\WINNT\System32\msdtcui.dll COM+[10:57:41]: After call to DllRegisterServer - Module: C:\WINNT\System32\msdtcui.dll COM+[10:57:45]: Registering C:\WINNT\System32\msdtctm.dll. COM+[10:57:45]: Before call to LoadLibraryEx - Module: C:\WINNT\System32\msdtctm.dll COM+[10:57:45]: After call to LoadLibraryEx - Module: C:\WINNT\System32\msdtctm.dll COM+[10:57:46]: Before call to DllRegisterServer - Module: C:\WINNT\System32\msdtctm.dll COM+[10:57:46]: After call to DllRegisterServer - Module: C:\WINNT\System32\msdtctm.dll COM+[10:57:46]: Registering C:\WINNT\System32\msdtcprx.dll. COM+[10:57:46]: Before call to LoadLibraryEx - Module: C:\WINNT\System32\msdtcprx.dll COM+[10:57:46]: After call to LoadLibraryEx - Module: C:\WINNT\System32\msdtcprx.dll COM+[10:57:46]: Before call to DllRegisterServer - Module: C:\WINNT\System32\msdtcprx.dll COM+[10:57:46]: After call to DllRegisterServer - Module: C:\WINNT\System32\msdtcprx.dll COM+[10:57:47]: Registering C:\WINNT\System32\mtxoci.dll. COM+[10:57:47]: Before call to LoadLibraryEx - Module: C:\WINNT\System32\mtxoci.dll COM+[10:57:47]: After call to LoadLibraryEx - Module: C:\WINNT\System32\mtxoci.dll COM+[10:57:47]: Before call to DllRegisterServer - Module: C:\WINNT\System32\mtxoci.dll COM+[10:57:47]: After call to DllRegisterServer - Module: C:\WINNT\System32\mtxoci.dll COM+[10:57:47]: Running command: unlodctr "MSDTC" COM+[10:57:47]: Running command: lodctr "C:\WINNT\System32\msdtcprf.ini" COM+[10:57:48]: Running command: "C:\WINNT\System32\msdtc" -install -a -d "C:\WINNT\System32" -l "C:\WINNT\System32\DTCLog" -silentinstall COM+[10:57:55]: Starting service MSDTC. COM+[10:57:57]: Service started MSDTC successfully. COM+[10:57:57]: Writing persistent registry values COM+[10:57:57]: Finished writing persistent registry values, retval = 0x0 COM+[10:57:57]: End OC_COMPLETE_INSTALLATION Return Value = 0 COM+[10:57:57]: Start OC_QUERY_STATEComponent = dtc Subcomponent = dtc COM+[10:57:57]: Subcomponent dtc state: O-,C+,R+ COM+[10:57:57]: End OC_QUERY_STATE Return Value = 1 COM+[10:58:18]: Start OC_COMPLETE_INSTALLATION Component = com Subcomponent = com COM+[10:58:18]: Subcomponent com state: O-,C+,R+ COM+[10:58:18]: Queuing reg ops for component com, Section Name: com_install COM+[10:58:18]: Registering C:\WINNT\System32\es.dll. COM+[10:58:18]: Before call to LoadLibraryEx - Module: C:\WINNT\System32\es.dll COM+[10:58:18]: After call to LoadLibraryEx - Module: C:\WINNT\System32\es.dll COM+[10:58:18]: Before call to DllRegisterServer - Module: C:\WINNT\System32\es.dll COM+[10:58:20]: After call to DllRegisterServer - Module: C:\WINNT\System32\es.dll COM+[10:58:21]: Registering TypeLib: C:\WINNT\System32\Com\mtsadmin.tlb COM+[10:58:21]: Creating menu item for 元件服務. COM+[10:58:21]: Nuke registry key: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\AppID\{182C40F0-32E4-11D0-818B-00A0C9231C29}. COM+[10:58:21]: Schema version is 0; schema is incompatible COM+[10:58:21]: Nuke registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\COM3. COM+[10:58:21]: Nuke directory: C:\WINNT\registration COM+[10:58:21]: The C:\WINNT\registration directory was nuked because of an incompatible schema COM+[10:58:21]: Registering C:\WINNT\System32\clbcatq.dll. COM+[10:58:21]: Before call to LoadLibraryEx - Module: C:\WINNT\System32\clbcatq.dll COM+[10:58:21]: After call to LoadLibraryEx - Module: C:\WINNT\System32\clbcatq.dll COM+[10:58:22]: Before call to DllRegisterServer - Module: C:\WINNT\System32\clbcatq.dll COM+[10:58:22]: After call to DllRegisterServer - Module: C:\WINNT\System32\clbcatq.dll COM+[10:58:23]: Registering C:\WINNT\System32\comsnap.dll. COM+[10:58:23]: Before call to LoadLibraryEx - Module: C:\WINNT\System32\comsnap.dll COM+[10:58:23]: After call to LoadLibraryEx - Module: C:\WINNT\System32\comsnap.dll COM+[10:58:23]: Before call to DllRegisterServer - Module: C:\WINNT\System32\comsnap.dll COM+[10:58:23]: After call to DllRegisterServer - Module: C:\WINNT\System32\comsnap.dll COM+[10:58:24]: Registering C:\WINNT\System32\comuid.dll. COM+[10:58:24]: Before call to LoadLibraryEx - Module: C:\WINNT\System32\comuid.dll COM+[10:58:24]: After call to LoadLibraryEx - Module: C:\WINNT\System32\comuid.dll COM+[10:58:24]: Before call to DllRegisterServer - Module: C:\WINNT\System32\comuid.dll COM+[10:58:24]: After call to DllRegisterServer - Module: C:\WINNT\System32\comuid.dll COM+[10:58:24]: Registering C:\WINNT\System32\comsvcs.dll. COM+[10:58:24]: Before call to LoadLibraryEx - Module: C:\WINNT\System32\comsvcs.dll COM+[10:58:24]: After call to LoadLibraryEx - Module: C:\WINNT\System32\comsvcs.dll COM+[10:58:24]: Before call to DllRegisterServer - Module: C:\WINNT\System32\comsvcs.dll COM+[10:58:25]: After call to DllRegisterServer - Module: C:\WINNT\System32\comsvcs.dll COM+[10:58:27]: Registering C:\WINNT\System32\txflog.dll. COM+[10:58:27]: Before call to LoadLibraryEx - Module: C:\WINNT\System32\txflog.dll COM+[10:58:27]: After call to LoadLibraryEx - Module: C:\WINNT\System32\txflog.dll COM+[10:58:27]: Before call to DllRegisterServer - Module: C:\WINNT\System32\txflog.dll COM+[10:58:27]: After call to DllRegisterServer - Module: C:\WINNT\System32\txflog.dll COM+[10:58:28]: Registering C:\WINNT\System32\catsrv.dll. COM+[10:58:28]: Before call to LoadLibraryEx - Module: C:\WINNT\System32\catsrv.dll COM+[10:58:28]: After call to LoadLibraryEx - Module: C:\WINNT\System32\catsrv.dll COM+[10:58:28]: Before call to DllRegisterServer - Module: C:\WINNT\System32\catsrv.dll COM+[10:58:28]: After call to DllRegisterServer - Module: C:\WINNT\System32\catsrv.dll COM+[10:58:29]: Registering C:\WINNT\System32\catsrvut.dll. COM+[10:58:29]: Before call to LoadLibraryEx - Module: C:\WINNT\System32\catsrvut.dll COM+[10:58:29]: After call to LoadLibraryEx - Module: C:\WINNT\System32\catsrvut.dll COM+[10:58:29]: Before call to DllRegisterServer - Module: C:\WINNT\System32\catsrvut.dll COM+[10:58:29]: After call to DllRegisterServer - Module: C:\WINNT\System32\catsrvut.dll COM+[10:58:30]: Registering C:\WINNT\System32\clbcatex.dll. COM+[10:58:30]: Before call to LoadLibraryEx - Module: C:\WINNT\System32\clbcatex.dll COM+[10:58:30]: After call to LoadLibraryEx - Module: C:\WINNT\System32\clbcatex.dll COM+[10:58:30]: Before call to DllRegisterServer - Module: C:\WINNT\System32\clbcatex.dll COM+[10:58:30]: After call to DllRegisterServer - Module: C:\WINNT\System32\clbcatex.dll COM+[10:58:30]: Registering C:\WINNT\System32\catsrvps.dll. COM+[10:58:30]: Before call to LoadLibraryEx - Module: C:\WINNT\System32\catsrvps.dll COM+[10:58:30]: After call to LoadLibraryEx - Module: C:\WINNT\System32\catsrvps.dll COM+[10:58:30]: Before call to DllRegisterServer - Module: C:\WINNT\System32\catsrvps.dll COM+[10:58:30]: After call to DllRegisterServer - Module: C:\WINNT\System32\catsrvps.dll COM+[10:58:31]: Registering C:\WINNT\System32\stclient.dll. COM+[10:58:31]: Before call to LoadLibraryEx - Module: C:\WINNT\System32\stclient.dll COM+[10:58:31]: After call to LoadLibraryEx - Module: C:\WINNT\System32\stclient.dll COM+[10:58:31]: Before call to DllRegisterServer - Module: C:\WINNT\System32\stclient.dll COM+[10:58:31]: After call to DllRegisterServer - Module: C:\WINNT\System32\stclient.dll COM+[10:58:31]: Registering C:\WINNT\System32\comrepl.dll. COM+[10:58:31]: Before call to LoadLibraryEx - Module: C:\WINNT\System32\comrepl.dll COM+[10:58:32]: After call to LoadLibraryEx - Module: C:\WINNT\System32\comrepl.dll COM+[10:58:32]: Before call to DllRegisterServer - Module: C:\WINNT\System32\comrepl.dll COM+[10:58:32]: After call to DllRegisterServer - Module: C:\WINNT\System32\comrepl.dll COM+[10:58:32]: Registering C:\WINNT\System32\comaddin.dll. COM+[10:58:32]: Before call to LoadLibraryEx - Module: C:\WINNT\System32\comaddin.dll COM+[10:58:32]: After call to LoadLibraryEx - Module: C:\WINNT\System32\comaddin.dll COM+[10:58:32]: Before call to DllRegisterServer - Module: C:\WINNT\System32\comaddin.dll COM+[10:58:32]: After call to DllRegisterServer - Module: C:\WINNT\System32\comaddin.dll COM+[10:58:33]: Registering C:\WINNT\System32\DComExt.dll. COM+[10:58:33]: Before call to LoadLibraryEx - Module: C:\WINNT\System32\DComExt.dll COM+[10:58:33]: After call to LoadLibraryEx - Module: C:\WINNT\System32\DComExt.dll COM+[10:58:33]: Before call to DllRegisterServer - Module: C:\WINNT\System32\DComExt.dll COM+[10:58:33]: After call to DllRegisterServer - Module: C:\WINNT\System32\DComExt.dll COM+[10:58:34]: Registering C:\WINNT\System32\Com\comadmin.dll. COM+[10:58:34]: Before call to LoadLibraryEx - Module: C:\WINNT\System32\Com\comadmin.dll COM+[10:58:34]: After call to LoadLibraryEx - Module: C:\WINNT\System32\Com\comadmin.dll COM+[10:58:34]: Before call to DllRegisterServer - Module: C:\WINNT\System32\Com\comadmin.dll COM+[10:58:34]: After call to DllRegisterServer - Module: C:\WINNT\System32\Com\comadmin.dll COM+[10:58:35]: Before RegisterComEventClasses COM+[10:58:36]: AFter RegisterComEventClasses COM+[10:58:36]: Memory usage for setup process... COM+[10:58:36]: PeakWorkingSetSize: 43096 Kb, WorkingSetSize: 35352 Kb COM+[10:58:36]: QuotaPeakPagedPoolUsage: 81 Kb, QuotaPagedPoolUsage: 78 Kb COM+[10:58:36]: PeakPagefileUsage: 19648 Kb, PagefileUsage: 15056 Kb COM+[10:58:36]: COM+ Successfully Activated COM+[10:58:36]: Calling ConfigureSystemApp... COM+[10:58:36]: Dispenser created OK COM+[10:58:36]: Getting the machine settings table OK COM+[10:58:36]: Populating the machine settings table OK COM+[10:58:36]: Adding a new row machine settings table OK COM+[10:58:36]: Set row on machine settings table OK COM+[10:58:36]: Saving the machine settings table OK COM+[10:58:36]: Getting the application table OK COM+[10:58:36]: Populating the application table OK COM+[10:58:36]: Before SetRow on the application table OK COM+[10:58:37]: Saving the application table OK COM+[10:58:37]: Creating the component registrar OK COM+[10:58:44]: Registering the module OK COM+[10:58:44]: Getting the classes internal table OK COM+[10:58:44]: Catalog server row found COM+[10:58:44]: Setting the properties OK COM+[10:58:44]: RegDBCompensator row found COM+[10:58:44]: Compensator class deleted OK COM+[10:58:44]: After ConfigureSystemApp COM+[10:58:44]: Create 'My Computer' in 'LocalComputer' collection. COM+[10:58:47]: Create 'My Computer' in 'ComputerList' collection. COM+[10:58:47]: Create 'COM+ Utilities' in 'Applications' collection. COM+[10:58:47]: ComPlusSetObjectProperty: wszCollection = Applications, wszObject = COM+ Utilities COM+[10:58:47]: After ComPlusSetAppModifyProperties: Old - NYY New - NYY COM+[10:58:47]: Set 'Description = COM+ 公用應用程式' (type: 8) to 'COM+ Utilities' of 'Applications' collection. COM+[10:58:48]: Set 'Activation = Inproc' (type: 3) to 'COM+ Utilities' of 'Applications' collection. COM+[10:58:48]: Set 'IsSystem = Y' to 'COM+ Utilities' of 'Applications' collection. COM+[10:58:48]: After ComPlusSetAppModifyProperties: Old - NYY New - YYY COM+[10:58:48]: Create 'COM+ QC Dead Letter Queue Listener' in 'Applications' collection. COM+[10:58:48]: ComPlusSetObjectProperty: wszCollection = Applications, wszObject = COM+ QC Dead Letter Queue Listener COM+[10:58:48]: After ComPlusSetAppModifyProperties: Old - NYY New - NYY COM+[10:58:48]: Set 'Description = COM+ QC Dead Letter 佇列接聽程式' (type: 8) to 'COM+ QC Dead Letter Queue Listener' of 'Applications' collection. COM+[10:58:49]: Set 'Activation = Local' (type: 3) to 'COM+ QC Dead Letter Queue Listener' of 'Applications' collection. COM+[10:58:49]: After ComPlusSetAppModifyProperties: Old - NYY New - NYN COM+[10:58:49]: Registering C:\WINNT\System32\comsvcs.dll. COM+[10:58:49]: Before call to LoadLibraryEx - Module: C:\WINNT\System32\comsvcs.dll COM+[10:58:49]: After call to LoadLibraryEx - Module: C:\WINNT\System32\comsvcs.dll COM+[10:58:49]: Before call to DllRegisterServer - Module: C:\WINNT\System32\COMSVCS.DLL COM+[10:58:50]: After call to DllRegisterServer - Module: C:\WINNT\System32\COMSVCS.DLL COM+[10:58:52]: Install component EventPublisher.EventPublisher.1 by clsid {ECABAFBC-7F19-11D2-978E-0000F8757E2A} to System Application. COM+[10:58:52]: After ComPlusSetAppModifyProperties: Old - YYY New - NYY COM+[10:58:54]: After ComPlusSetAppModifyProperties: Old - NYY New - YYY COM+[10:58:54]: Install component COMSVCS.TrackerServer by clsid {ECABAFB9-7F19-11D2-978E-0000F8757E2A} to System Application. COM+[10:58:54]: After ComPlusSetAppModifyProperties: Old - YYY New - NYY COM+[10:58:56]: After ComPlusSetAppModifyProperties: Old - NYY New - YYY COM+[10:58:56]: Install component Mts.MtsGrp.1 by clsid {4B2E958D-0393-11D1-B1AB-00AA00BA3258} to System Application. COM+[10:58:56]: After ComPlusSetAppModifyProperties: Old - YYY New - NYY COM+[10:58:57]: After ComPlusSetAppModifyProperties: Old - NYY New - YYY COM+[10:58:57]: Import component 'RemoteHelper.RemoteHelper' to 'COM+ Utilities'. COM+[10:58:58]: After ComPlusSetAppModifyProperties: Old - YYY New - NYY COM+[10:58:59]: After ComPlusSetAppModifyProperties: Old - NYY New - YYY COM+[10:58:59]: After ComPlusSetAppModifyProperties: Old - YYY New - NYY COM+[10:58:59]: Set 'Description = "遠端協助程式"' to component 'RemoteHelper.RemoteHelper' of 'COM+ Utilities'. COM+[10:58:59]: Set 'Synchronization = 3' to component 'RemoteHelper.RemoteHelper' of 'COM+ Utilities'. COM+[10:58:59]: Set 'Transaction = 1' to component 'RemoteHelper.RemoteHelper' of 'COM+ Utilities'. COM+[10:58:59]: Set 'JustInTimeActivation = 1' to component 'RemoteHelper.RemoteHelper' of 'COM+ Utilities'. COM+[10:58:59]: Set 'IISIntrinsics = 0' to component 'RemoteHelper.RemoteHelper' of 'COM+ Utilities'. COM+[10:58:59]: Set 'ComponentAccessChecksEnabled = 0' to component 'RemoteHelper.RemoteHelper' of 'COM+ Utilities'. COM+[10:58:59]: Set 'COMTIIntrinsics = 0' to component 'RemoteHelper.RemoteHelper' of 'COM+ Utilities'. COM+[10:59:0]: After ComPlusSetAppModifyProperties: Old - NYY New - YYY COM+[10:59:0]: Import component 'RemoteHelper.RemoteHelper' to 'COM+ Utilities'. COM+[10:59:0]: After ComPlusSetAppModifyProperties: Old - YYY New - NYY COM+[10:59:0]: After ComPlusSetAppModifyProperties: Old - NYY New - YYY COM+[10:59:1]: After ComPlusSetAppModifyProperties: Old - YYY New - NYY COM+[10:59:1]: Set 'Description = "遠端協助程式"' to component 'RemoteHelper.RemoteHelper' of 'COM+ Utilities'. COM+[10:59:1]: Set 'Synchronization = 3' to component 'RemoteHelper.RemoteHelper' of 'COM+ Utilities'. COM+[10:59:1]: Set 'Transaction = 1' to component 'RemoteHelper.RemoteHelper' of 'COM+ Utilities'. COM+[10:59:1]: Set 'JustInTimeActivation = 1' to component 'RemoteHelper.RemoteHelper' of 'COM+ Utilities'. COM+[10:59:1]: Set 'IISIntrinsics = 0' to component 'RemoteHelper.RemoteHelper' of 'COM+ Utilities'. COM+[10:59:1]: Set 'ComponentAccessChecksEnabled = 0' to component 'RemoteHelper.RemoteHelper' of 'COM+ Utilities'. COM+[10:59:1]: Set 'COMTIIntrinsics = 0' to component 'RemoteHelper.RemoteHelper' of 'COM+ Utilities'. COM+[10:59:1]: After ComPlusSetAppModifyProperties: Old - NYY New - YYY COM+[10:59:1]: Import component 'TxCTx.TransactionContext' to 'COM+ Utilities'. COM+[10:59:2]: After ComPlusSetAppModifyProperties: Old - YYY New - NYY COM+[10:59:2]: After ComPlusSetAppModifyProperties: Old - NYY New - YYY COM+[10:59:2]: After ComPlusSetAppModifyProperties: Old - YYY New - NYY COM+[10:59:3]: Set 'Description = "COM+ 異動內容元件"' to component 'TxCTx.TransactionContext' of 'COM+ Utilities'. COM+[10:59:3]: Set 'Synchronization = 3' to component 'TxCTx.TransactionContext' of 'COM+ Utilities'. COM+[10:59:3]: Set 'Transaction = 4' to component 'TxCTx.TransactionContext' of 'COM+ Utilities'. COM+[10:59:3]: Set 'JustInTimeActivation = 1' to component 'TxCTx.TransactionContext' of 'COM+ Utilities'. COM+[10:59:3]: Set 'IISIntrinsics = 0' to component 'TxCTx.TransactionContext' of 'COM+ Utilities'. COM+[10:59:3]: Set 'ComponentAccessChecksEnabled = 0' to component 'TxCTx.TransactionContext' of 'COM+ Utilities'. COM+[10:59:3]: Set 'COMTIIntrinsics = 0' to component 'TxCTx.TransactionContext' of 'COM+ Utilities'. COM+[10:59:3]: After ComPlusSetAppModifyProperties: Old - NYY New - YYY COM+[10:59:3]: Import component 'TxCTx.TransactionContextEx' to 'COM+ Utilities'. COM+[10:59:4]: After ComPlusSetAppModifyProperties: Old - YYY New - NYY COM+[10:59:4]: After ComPlusSetAppModifyProperties: Old - NYY New - YYY COM+[10:59:4]: After ComPlusSetAppModifyProperties: Old - YYY New - NYY COM+[10:59:5]: Set 'Description = "COM+ 擴充的異動內容元件"' to component 'TxCTx.TransactionContextEx' of 'COM+ Utilities'. COM+[10:59:5]: Set 'Synchronization = 3' to component 'TxCTx.TransactionContextEx' of 'COM+ Utilities'. COM+[10:59:5]: Set 'Transaction = 4' to component 'TxCTx.TransactionContextEx' of 'COM+ Utilities'. COM+[10:59:5]: Set 'JustInTimeActivation = 1' to component 'TxCTx.TransactionContextEx' of 'COM+ Utilities'. COM+[10:59:5]: Set 'IISIntrinsics = 0' to component 'TxCTx.TransactionContextEx' of 'COM+ Utilities'. COM+[10:59:5]: Set 'ComponentAccessChecksEnabled = 0' to component 'TxCTx.TransactionContextEx' of 'COM+ Utilities'. COM+[10:59:5]: Set 'COMTIIntrinsics = 0' to component 'TxCTx.TransactionContextEx' of 'COM+ Utilities'. COM+[10:59:5]: After ComPlusSetAppModifyProperties: Old - NYY New - YYY COM+[10:59:5]: Import component 'QC.Recorder.1' to 'COM+ Utilities'. COM+[10:59:5]: After ComPlusSetAppModifyProperties: Old - YYY New - NYY COM+[10:59:6]: After ComPlusSetAppModifyProperties: Old - NYY New - YYY COM+[10:59:7]: After ComPlusSetAppModifyProperties: Old - YYY New - NYY COM+[10:59:7]: Set 'Description = "佇列的元件錄音程式"' to component 'QC.Recorder.1' of 'COM+ Utilities'. COM+[10:59:7]: Set 'Synchronization = 3' to component 'QC.Recorder.1' of 'COM+ Utilities'. COM+[10:59:7]: Set 'Transaction = 3' to component 'QC.Recorder.1' of 'COM+ Utilities'. COM+[10:59:7]: Set 'JustInTimeActivation = 1' to component 'QC.Recorder.1' of 'COM+ Utilities'. COM+[10:59:7]: Set 'IISIntrinsics = 0' to component 'QC.Recorder.1' of 'COM+ Utilities'. COM+[10:59:7]: Set 'ComponentAccessChecksEnabled = 0' to component 'QC.Recorder.1' of 'COM+ Utilities'. COM+[10:59:7]: Set 'COMTIIntrinsics = 0' to component 'QC.Recorder.1' of 'COM+ Utilities'. COM+[10:59:7]: After ComPlusSetAppModifyProperties: Old - NYY New - YYY COM+[10:59:7]: Import component 'QC.ListenerHelper.1' to 'COM+ Utilities'. COM+[10:59:8]: After ComPlusSetAppModifyProperties: Old - YYY New - NYY COM+[10:59:8]: After ComPlusSetAppModifyProperties: Old - NYY New - YYY COM+[10:59:8]: After ComPlusSetAppModifyProperties: Old - YYY New - NYY COM+[10:59:8]: Set 'Description = "佇列的元件播放程式"' to component 'QC.ListenerHelper.1' of 'COM+ Utilities'. COM+[10:59:9]: Set 'Synchronization = 3' to component 'QC.ListenerHelper.1' of 'COM+ Utilities'. COM+[10:59:9]: Set 'Transaction = 3' to component 'QC.ListenerHelper.1' of 'COM+ Utilities'. COM+[10:59:9]: Set 'JustInTimeActivation = 1' to component 'QC.ListenerHelper.1' of 'COM+ Utilities'. COM+[10:59:9]: Set 'IISIntrinsics = 0' to component 'QC.ListenerHelper.1' of 'COM+ Utilities'. COM+[10:59:9]: Set 'ComponentAccessChecksEnabled = 0' to component 'QC.ListenerHelper.1' of 'COM+ Utilities'. COM+[10:59:9]: Set 'COMTIIntrinsics = 0' to component 'QC.ListenerHelper.1' of 'COM+ Utilities'. COM+[10:59:9]: After ComPlusSetAppModifyProperties: Old - NYY New - YYY COM+[10:59:9]: Import component 'QC.DLQListener.1' to 'COM+ QC Dead Letter Queue Listener'. COM+[10:59:9]: After ComPlusSetAppModifyProperties: Old - NYN New - NYY COM+[10:59:10]: After ComPlusSetAppModifyProperties: Old - NYY New - NYN COM+[10:59:10]: After ComPlusSetAppModifyProperties: Old - NYN New - NYY COM+[10:59:10]: Set 'Description = "COM+ QC Dead Letter Queue Listener Starter"' to component 'QC.DLQListener.1' of 'COM+ QC Dead Letter Queue Listener'. COM+[10:59:10]: Set 'Synchronization = 3' to component 'QC.DLQListener.1' of 'COM+ QC Dead Letter Queue Listener'. COM+[10:59:11]: Set 'Transaction = 0' to component 'QC.DLQListener.1' of 'COM+ QC Dead Letter Queue Listener'. COM+[10:59:11]: Set 'JustInTimeActivation = 0' to component 'QC.DLQListener.1' of 'COM+ QC Dead Letter Queue Listener'. COM+[10:59:11]: Set 'IISIntrinsics = 0' to component 'QC.DLQListener.1' of 'COM+ QC Dead Letter Queue Listener'. COM+[10:59:11]: Set 'ComponentAccessChecksEnabled = 0' to component 'QC.DLQListener.1' of 'COM+ QC Dead Letter Queue Listener'. COM+[10:59:11]: Set 'COMTIIntrinsics = 0' to component 'QC.DLQListener.1' of 'COM+ QC Dead Letter Queue Listener'. COM+[10:59:11]: After ComPlusSetAppModifyProperties: Old - NYY New - NYN COM+[10:59:12]: After ComPlusSetAppModifyProperties: Old - YYY New - NYY COM+[10:59:12]: Set 'Description = "COM+ 事件通告伺服器"' to component 'EventPublisher.EventPublisher.1' of 'System Application'. COM+[10:59:12]: Set 'Synchronization = 0' to component 'EventPublisher.EventPublisher.1' of 'System Application'. COM+[10:59:12]: Set 'Transaction = 0' to component 'EventPublisher.EventPublisher.1' of 'System Application'. COM+[10:59:12]: Set 'JustInTimeActivation = 0' to component 'EventPublisher.EventPublisher.1' of 'System Application'. COM+[10:59:12]: Set 'IISIntrinsics = 0' to component 'EventPublisher.EventPublisher.1' of 'System Application'. COM+[10:59:12]: Set 'ComponentAccessChecksEnabled = 1' to component 'EventPublisher.EventPublisher.1' of 'System Application'. COM+[10:59:12]: Set 'COMTIIntrinsics = 0' to component 'EventPublisher.EventPublisher.1' of 'System Application'. COM+[10:59:12]: After ComPlusSetAppModifyProperties: Old - NYY New - YYY COM+[10:59:13]: After ComPlusSetAppModifyProperties: Old - YYY New - NYY COM+[10:59:13]: Set 'Description = "COM+ 例項追蹤元件"' to component 'COMSVCS.TrackerServer' of 'System Application'. COM+[10:59:13]: Set 'Synchronization = 0' to component 'COMSVCS.TrackerServer' of 'System Application'. COM+[10:59:13]: Set 'Transaction = 0' to component 'COMSVCS.TrackerServer' of 'System Application'. COM+[10:59:13]: Set 'JustInTimeActivation = 0' to component 'COMSVCS.TrackerServer' of 'System Application'. COM+[10:59:13]: Set 'IISIntrinsics = 0' to component 'COMSVCS.TrackerServer' of 'System Application'. COM+[10:59:13]: Set 'ComponentAccessChecksEnabled = 1' to component 'COMSVCS.TrackerServer' of 'System Application'. COM+[10:59:13]: Set 'COMTIIntrinsics = 0' to component 'COMSVCS.TrackerServer' of 'System Application'. COM+[10:59:13]: After ComPlusSetAppModifyProperties: Old - NYY New - YYY COM+[10:59:14]: After ComPlusSetAppModifyProperties: Old - YYY New - NYY COM+[10:59:14]: Set 'Description = "COM+ 使用中處理程序重複伺服器"' to component 'Mts.MtsGrp.1' of 'System Application'. COM+[10:59:14]: Set 'Synchronization = 0' to component 'Mts.MtsGrp.1' of 'System Application'. COM+[10:59:14]: Set 'Transaction = 0' to component 'Mts.MtsGrp.1' of 'System Application'. COM+[10:59:14]: Set 'JustInTimeActivation = 0' to component 'Mts.MtsGrp.1' of 'System Application'. COM+[10:59:14]: Set 'IISIntrinsics = 0' to component 'Mts.MtsGrp.1' of 'System Application'. COM+[10:59:14]: Set 'ComponentAccessChecksEnabled = 1' to component 'Mts.MtsGrp.1' of 'System Application'. COM+[10:59:14]: Set 'COMTIIntrinsics = 0' to component 'Mts.MtsGrp.1' of 'System Application'. COM+[10:59:14]: After ComPlusSetAppModifyProperties: Old - NYY New - YYY COM+[10:59:15]: After ComPlusSetAppModifyProperties: Old - YYY New - NYY COM+[10:59:15]: Set role 'Administrator' to 'System Application'. COM+[10:59:15]: Set users 'Administrators' to role 'Administrator'. COM+[10:59:16]: After ComPlusSetAppModifyProperties: Old - NYY New - YYY COM+[10:59:17]: After ComPlusSetAppModifyProperties: Old - YYY New - NYY COM+[10:59:17]: Set role 'Reader' to 'System Application'. COM+[10:59:17]: Set users 'Everyone' to role 'Reader'. COM+[10:59:18]: After ComPlusSetAppModifyProperties: Old - NYY New - YYY COM+[10:59:18]: After ComPlusSetAppModifyProperties: Old - YYY New - NYY COM+[10:59:18]: Set role 'QC Trusted User' to 'System Application'. COM+[10:59:19]: After ComPlusSetAppModifyProperties: Old - NYY New - YYY COM+[10:59:19]: After ComPlusSetAppModifyProperties: Old - YYY New - NYY COM+[10:59:19]: Set role 'Server Application' to 'System Application'. COM+[10:59:19]: Set users 'Everyone' to role 'Server Application'. COM+[10:59:20]: After ComPlusSetAppModifyProperties: Old - NYY New - YYY COM+[10:59:20]: After ComPlusSetAppModifyProperties: Old - YYY New - NYY COM+[10:59:20]: Set role 'Any Application' to 'System Application'. COM+[10:59:21]: Set users 'Everyone' to role 'Any Application'. COM+[10:59:21]: After ComPlusSetAppModifyProperties: Old - NYY New - YYY COM+[10:59:22]: After ComPlusSetAppModifyProperties: Old - YYY New - NYY COM+[10:59:22]: Set role 'Administrator' to 'IAppExport'. COM+[10:59:22]: Set role 'Administrator' to 'ICatalogTableRead1'. COM+[10:59:22]: Set role 'Administrator' to 'ICatalogTableWrite1'. COM+[10:59:23]: Set role 'Administrator' to 'ICatalogSession'. COM+[10:59:23]: Set role 'Administrator' to 'IApplicationControl'. COM+[10:59:23]: Set role 'Administrator' to 'IRegister'. COM+[10:59:24]: Set role 'Administrator' to 'ICatalogTableInfo'. COM+[10:59:24]: Set role 'Administrator' to 'ICatalogUtils'. COM+[10:59:24]: Set role 'Administrator' to 'IAppImport'. COM+[10:59:25]: Set role 'Administrator' to 'ICSServiceControl'. COM+[10:59:25]: Set role 'Administrator' to 'IComExport'. COM+[10:59:25]: Set role 'Administrator' to 'ICatalogSetup'. COM+[10:59:26]: Set role 'Administrator' to 'IReplicationUtil'. COM+[10:59:26]: After ComPlusSetAppModifyProperties: Old - NYY New - YYY COM+[10:59:27]: After ComPlusSetAppModifyProperties: Old - YYY New - NYY COM+[10:59:27]: Set role 'Reader' to 'ICatalogTableRead1'. COM+[10:59:27]: Set role 'Reader' to 'ICatalogTableWrite1'. COM+[10:59:27]: Set role 'Reader' to 'ICatalogSession'. COM+[10:59:28]: Set role 'Reader' to 'ICatalogTableInfo'. COM+[10:59:28]: After ComPlusSetAppModifyProperties: Old - NYY New - YYY COM+[10:59:29]: After ComPlusSetAppModifyProperties: Old - YYY New - NYY COM+[10:59:29]: Set role 'Reader' to 'WaitForEndWrites'. COM+[10:59:29]: After ComPlusSetAppModifyProperties: Old - NYY New - YYY COM+[10:59:30]: After ComPlusSetAppModifyProperties: Old - YYY New - NYY COM+[10:59:30]: Set role 'Reader' to 'IMtsGrp'. COM+[10:59:30]: After ComPlusSetAppModifyProperties: Old - NYY New - YYY COM+[10:59:31]: After ComPlusSetAppModifyProperties: Old - YYY New - NYY COM+[10:59:31]: Set role 'Reader' to 'IGetAppData'. COM+[10:59:31]: After ComPlusSetAppModifyProperties: Old - NYY New - YYY COM+[10:59:32]: After ComPlusSetAppModifyProperties: Old - YYY New - NYY COM+[10:59:32]: Set role 'Server Application' to 'IReceiveAppData'. COM+[10:59:32]: After ComPlusSetAppModifyProperties: Old - NYY New - YYY COM+[10:59:33]: After ComPlusSetAppModifyProperties: Old - YYY New - NYY COM+[10:59:33]: Set role 'Any Application' to 'IEventServer'. COM+[10:59:33]: After ComPlusSetAppModifyProperties: Old - NYY New - YYY COM+[10:59:33]: ComPlusSetObjectProperty: wszCollection = Applications, wszObject = System Application COM+[10:59:34]: After ComPlusSetAppModifyProperties: Old - YYY New - NYY COM+[10:59:34]: Set 'ApplicationAccessChecksEnabled = 1' (type: 8) to 'System Application' of 'Applications' collection. COM+[10:59:34]: After ComPlusSetAppModifyProperties: Old - YYY New - YYY COM+[10:59:34]: ComPlusSetObjectProperty: wszCollection = Applications, wszObject = COM+ Utilities COM+[10:59:35]: After ComPlusSetAppModifyProperties: Old - YYY New - NYY COM+[10:59:35]: Set 'IsSystem = Y' to 'COM+ Utilities' of 'Applications' collection. COM+[10:59:35]: After ComPlusSetAppModifyProperties: Old - NYY New - YYY COM+[10:59:35]: Entering CSetupUtil::AddPendingInfOperation COM+[10:59:35]: Leaving CSetupUtil::AddPendingInfOperation with retval 0x0 COM+[10:59:35]: Removing IMDB applications if they are present COM+[10:59:36]: Removing COM+ Application (with no dll re-reg): COM+ IMDB Proxy Connection Mgr COM+[10:59:36]: Removing COM+ Application (with no dll re-reg): COM+ IMDB Utilities COM+[10:59:36]: Removing the IMDB Trusted User role from the system app if present COM+[10:59:36]: Removing role IMDB Trusted User from COM+ Application: System Application COM+[10:59:36]: Backup RegDB file to 'C:\WINNT\System32\emptyregdb.dat'. COM+[10:59:36]: Memory usage for setup process... COM+[10:59:36]: PeakWorkingSetSize: 43096 Kb, WorkingSetSize: 37180 Kb COM+[10:59:36]: QuotaPeakPagedPoolUsage: 82 Kb, QuotaPagedPoolUsage: 82 Kb COM+[10:59:36]: PeakPagefileUsage: 19648 Kb, PagefileUsage: 15632 Kb COM+[10:59:36]: Before RegisterComEventClasses COM+[10:59:36]: AFter RegisterComEventClasses COM+[10:59:39]: Terminating process: dllhost.exe 0x334(820) COM+[10:59:39]: Writing persistent registry values COM+[10:59:39]: Finished writing persistent registry values, retval = 0x0 COM+[10:59:39]: End OC_COMPLETE_INSTALLATION Return Value = 0 COM+[10:59:39]: Start OC_QUERY_STATEComponent = com Subcomponent = com COM+[10:59:39]: Subcomponent com state: O-,C+,R+ COM+[10:59:39]: End OC_QUERY_STATE Return Value = 1 COM+[11:2:2]: Start OC_CLEANUP Component = com COM+[11:2:2]: Terminating process: dllhost.exe 0x2fc(764) COM+[11:2:2]: Memory usage for setup process... COM+[11:2:2]: PeakWorkingSetSize: 43096 Kb, WorkingSetSize: 20568 Kb COM+[11:2:2]: QuotaPeakPagedPoolUsage: 85 Kb, QuotaPagedPoolUsage: 71 Kb COM+[11:2:2]: PeakPagefileUsage: 22816 Kb, PagefileUsage: 18364 Kb COM+[11:2:2]: End OC_CLEANUP Return Value = 0 COM+[11:2:2]: Start OC_CLEANUP Component = dtc COM+[11:2:2]: End OC_CLEANUP Return Value = 0 COM+[11:17:16]: ******************************************************************************** COM+[11:17:16]: Setup finished - [DATE:06,04,2002 TIME: 11:17 am] COM+[11:17:16]: ******************************************************************************** COM+[11:18:44]: ******************************************************************************** COM+[11:18:45]: Setup started - [DATE:06,04,2002 TIME: 11:18 am] COM+[11:18:45]: ******************************************************************************** COM+[11:18:45]: Entering HandlePendingInfOperations COM+[11:18:47]: Finished performing HandlePendingInfOperations COM+[11:18:47]: ******************************************************************************** COM+[11:18:47]: Setup finished - [DATE:06,04,2002 TIME: 11:18 am] COM+[11:18:48]: ******************************************************************************** COM+[3:33:29]: ******************************************************************************** COM+[3:33:29]: Setup started - [DATE:06,05,2002 TIME: 03:33 pm] COM+[3:33:29]: ******************************************************************************** COM+[3:33:29]: Start OC_INIT_COMPONENT Component = com COM+[3:33:29]: INF VERSION (com) = 1999,9,3422,5 COM+[3:33:29]: Instantiating CMasterNT5Srv COM+[3:33:29]: Memory usage for setup process... COM+[3:33:29]: PeakWorkingSetSize: 9100 Kb, WorkingSetSize: 9100 Kb COM+[3:33:29]: QuotaPeakPagedPoolUsage: 31 Kb, QuotaPagedPoolUsage: 31 Kb COM+[3:33:29]: PeakPagefileUsage: 7888 Kb, PagefileUsage: 7396 Kb COM+[3:33:29]: MTSS: Answer File = COM+[3:33:29]: Calling SetupOpenInfFile. COM+[3:33:29]: Unable to open Answer File!! COM+[3:33:29]: DRID-39104 -> Path: C:\WINNT\java\trustlib\ COM+[3:33:29]: Installed COM product version = COM+[3:33:29]: SETUP VERSION = COM+[3:33:29]: Installation Mode = MAINTENANCE COM+[3:33:29]: Maintnenance Mode = ADD_REMOVE COM+[3:33:29]: DRID-39103 -> Path: C:\Program Files\Common Files\ODBC\Data Sources\ COM+[3:33:29]: End OC_INIT_COMPONENT Return Value = 0 COM+[3:33:30]: Start OC_INIT_COMPONENT Component = dtc COM+[3:33:30]: INF VERSION (dtc) = 1999,9,3421,0 COM+[3:33:30]: Installed DTC product version = COM+[3:33:30]: DTC Installation Mode = MAINTENANCE COM+[3:33:30]: DTC Maintnenance Mode = ADD_REMOVE COM+[3:33:30]: End OC_INIT_COMPONENT Return Value = 0 COM+[3:33:34]: Start OC_QUERY_STATEComponent = dtc Subcomponent = dtc COM+[3:33:34]: Subcomponent dtc state: O-,C-,R+ COM+[3:33:34]: End OC_QUERY_STATE Return Value = 0 COM+[3:33:34]: Start OC_QUERY_STATEComponent = com Subcomponent = com COM+[3:33:34]: Subcomponent com state: O-,C-,R+ COM+[3:33:34]: End OC_QUERY_STATE Return Value = 0 COM+[3:33:35]: Start OC_CLEANUP Component = com COM+[3:33:35]: Memory usage for setup process... COM+[3:33:35]: PeakWorkingSetSize: 22700 Kb, WorkingSetSize: 16212 Kb COM+[3:33:35]: QuotaPeakPagedPoolUsage: 66 Kb, QuotaPagedPoolUsage: 55 Kb COM+[3:33:35]: PeakPagefileUsage: 8020 Kb, PagefileUsage: 8020 Kb COM+[3:33:35]: End OC_CLEANUP Return Value = 0 COM+[3:33:35]: Start OC_CLEANUP Component = dtc COM+[3:33:35]: End OC_CLEANUP Return Value = 0 COM+[3:33:47]: ******************************************************************************** COM+[3:33:47]: Setup finished - [DATE:06,05,2002 TIME: 03:33 pm] COM+[3:33:47]: ******************************************************************************** COM+[12:12:30]: ******************************************************************************** COM+[12:12:30]: Setup started - [DATE:06,06,2002 TIME: 12:12 pm] COM+[12:12:30]: ******************************************************************************** COM+[12:12:30]: Start OC_INIT_COMPONENT Component = com COM+[12:12:30]: INF VERSION (com) = 1999,9,3422,5 COM+[12:12:30]: Instantiating CMasterNT5Srv COM+[12:12:30]: Memory usage for setup process... COM+[12:12:30]: PeakWorkingSetSize: 20172 Kb, WorkingSetSize: 19028 Kb COM+[12:12:30]: QuotaPeakPagedPoolUsage: 37 Kb, QuotaPagedPoolUsage: 37 Kb COM+[12:12:30]: PeakPagefileUsage: 16900 Kb, PagefileUsage: 16408 Kb COM+[12:12:30]: MTSS: Answer File = COM+[12:12:30]: Calling SetupOpenInfFile. COM+[12:12:30]: Unable to open Answer File!! COM+[12:12:30]: DRID-39104 -> Path: C:\WINNT\java\trustlib\ COM+[12:12:30]: Installed COM product version = COM+[12:12:30]: SETUP VERSION = COM+[12:12:30]: Installation Mode = MAINTENANCE COM+[12:12:30]: Maintnenance Mode = ADD_REMOVE COM+[12:12:30]: DRID-39103 -> Path: C:\Program Files\Common Files\ODBC\Data Sources\ COM+[12:12:30]: End OC_INIT_COMPONENT Return Value = 0 COM+[12:12:30]: Start OC_INIT_COMPONENT Component = dtc COM+[12:12:30]: INF VERSION (dtc) = 1999,9,3421,0 COM+[12:12:30]: Installed DTC product version = COM+[12:12:30]: DTC Installation Mode = MAINTENANCE COM+[12:12:30]: DTC Maintnenance Mode = ADD_REMOVE COM+[12:12:30]: End OC_INIT_COMPONENT Return Value = 0 COM+[12:12:35]: Start OC_QUERY_STATEComponent = dtc Subcomponent = dtc COM+[12:12:35]: Subcomponent dtc state: O-,C-,R+ COM+[12:12:35]: End OC_QUERY_STATE Return Value = 0 COM+[12:12:35]: Start OC_QUERY_STATEComponent = com Subcomponent = com COM+[12:12:35]: Subcomponent com state: O-,C-,R+ COM+[12:12:35]: End OC_QUERY_STATE Return Value = 0 COM+[12:12:37]: Start OC_CLEANUP Component = com COM+[12:12:37]: Memory usage for setup process... COM+[12:12:37]: PeakWorkingSetSize: 30812 Kb, WorkingSetSize: 24340 Kb COM+[12:12:37]: QuotaPeakPagedPoolUsage: 65 Kb, QuotaPagedPoolUsage: 54 Kb COM+[12:12:37]: PeakPagefileUsage: 16900 Kb, PagefileUsage: 15456 Kb COM+[12:12:37]: End OC_CLEANUP Return Value = 0 COM+[12:12:37]: Start OC_CLEANUP Component = dtc COM+[12:12:37]: End OC_CLEANUP Return Value = 0 COM+[12:15:39]: ******************************************************************************** COM+[12:15:39]: Setup finished - [DATE:06,06,2002 TIME: 12:15 pm] COM+[12:15:39]: ******************************************************************************** COM+[12:19:13]: ******************************************************************************** COM+[12:19:13]: Setup started - [DATE:09,03,2002 TIME: 12:19 pm] COM+[12:19:13]: ******************************************************************************** COM+[12:19:13]: Start OC_INIT_COMPONENT Component = com COM+[12:19:13]: INF VERSION (com) = 1999,9,3422,5 COM+[12:19:13]: Instantiating CMasterNT5Srv COM+[12:19:13]: Memory usage for setup process... COM+[12:19:13]: PeakWorkingSetSize: 6260 Kb, WorkingSetSize: 6088 Kb COM+[12:19:13]: QuotaPeakPagedPoolUsage: 32 Kb, QuotaPagedPoolUsage: 32 Kb COM+[12:19:13]: PeakPagefileUsage: 3812 Kb, PagefileUsage: 2932 Kb COM+[12:19:13]: MTSS: Answer File = COM+[12:19:13]: Calling SetupOpenInfFile. COM+[12:19:13]: Unable to open Answer File!! COM+[12:19:13]: DRID-39104 -> Path: C:\WINNT\java\trustlib\ COM+[12:19:13]: Installed COM product version = COM+[12:19:14]: SETUP VERSION = COM+[12:19:14]: Installation Mode = MAINTENANCE COM+[12:19:14]: Maintnenance Mode = ADD_REMOVE COM+[12:19:14]: DRID-39103 -> Path: C:\Program Files\Common Files\ODBC\Data Sources\ COM+[12:19:14]: End OC_INIT_COMPONENT Return Value = 0 COM+[12:19:14]: Start OC_INIT_COMPONENT Component = dtc COM+[12:19:14]: INF VERSION (dtc) = 1999,9,3421,0 COM+[12:19:14]: Installed DTC product version = COM+[12:19:14]: DTC Installation Mode = MAINTENANCE COM+[12:19:14]: DTC Maintnenance Mode = ADD_REMOVE COM+[12:19:14]: End OC_INIT_COMPONENT Return Value = 0 COM+[12:19:27]: Start OC_QUERY_STATEComponent = dtc Subcomponent = dtc COM+[12:19:27]: Subcomponent dtc state: O-,C-,R+ COM+[12:19:27]: End OC_QUERY_STATE Return Value = 0 COM+[12:19:27]: Start OC_QUERY_STATEComponent = com Subcomponent = com COM+[12:19:27]: Subcomponent com state: O-,C-,R+ COM+[12:19:27]: End OC_QUERY_STATE Return Value = 0 COM+[12:19:33]: Start OC_QUERY_CHANGE_SEL_STATE Component = dtc Subcomponent = dtc COM+[12:19:33]: Subcomponent dtc state: O+,C+,R+ COM+[12:19:33]: End OC_QUERY_CHANGE_SEL_STATE Return Value = 1 COM+[12:19:33]: Start OC_QUERY_CHANGE_SEL_STATE Component = com Subcomponent = com COM+[12:19:33]: Subcomponent com state: O+,C+,R+ COM+[12:19:33]: End OC_QUERY_CHANGE_SEL_STATE Return Value = 1 COM+[12:19:34]: Start OC_QUERY_CHANGE_SEL_STATE Component = dtc Subcomponent = dtc COM+[12:19:34]: Subcomponent dtc state: O+,C+,R+ COM+[12:19:34]: End OC_QUERY_CHANGE_SEL_STATE Return Value = 1 COM+[12:19:34]: Start OC_QUERY_CHANGE_SEL_STATE Component = com Subcomponent = com COM+[12:19:34]: Subcomponent com state: O+,C+,R+ COM+[12:19:34]: End OC_QUERY_CHANGE_SEL_STATE Return Value = 1 COM+[12:19:34]: Start OC_QUERY_CHANGE_SEL_STATE Component = dtc Subcomponent = dtc COM+[12:19:34]: Subcomponent dtc state: O+,C+,R+ COM+[12:19:34]: End OC_QUERY_CHANGE_SEL_STATE Return Value = 1 COM+[12:19:34]: Start OC_QUERY_CHANGE_SEL_STATE Component = com Subcomponent = com COM+[12:19:34]: Subcomponent com state: O+,C+,R+ COM+[12:19:34]: End OC_QUERY_CHANGE_SEL_STATE Return Value = 1 COM+[12:19:34]: Start OC_QUERY_CHANGE_SEL_STATE Component = dtc Subcomponent = dtc COM+[12:19:34]: Subcomponent dtc state: O+,C+,R+ COM+[12:19:34]: End OC_QUERY_CHANGE_SEL_STATE Return Value = 1 COM+[12:19:34]: Start OC_QUERY_CHANGE_SEL_STATE Component = com Subcomponent = com COM+[12:19:34]: Subcomponent com state: O+,C+,R+ COM+[12:19:34]: End OC_QUERY_CHANGE_SEL_STATE Return Value = 1 COM+[12:19:34]: Start OC_QUERY_CHANGE_SEL_STATE Component = dtc Subcomponent = dtc COM+[12:19:34]: Subcomponent dtc state: O+,C+,R+ COM+[12:19:34]: End OC_QUERY_CHANGE_SEL_STATE Return Value = 1 COM+[12:19:34]: Start OC_QUERY_CHANGE_SEL_STATE Component = com Subcomponent = com COM+[12:19:34]: Subcomponent com state: O+,C+,R+ COM+[12:19:34]: End OC_QUERY_CHANGE_SEL_STATE Return Value = 1 COM+[12:19:40]: Start OC_CALC_DISK_SPACE Component = dtc Subcomponent = dtc COM+[12:19:40]: End OC_CALC_DISK_SPACE Return Value = 0 COM+[12:19:40]: Start OC_CALC_DISK_SPACE Component = com Subcomponent = com COM+[12:19:40]: End OC_CALC_DISK_SPACE Return Value = 0 COM+[12:20:2]: Start OC_CLEANUP Component = com COM+[12:20:2]: Memory usage for setup process... COM+[12:20:2]: PeakWorkingSetSize: 28628 Kb, WorkingSetSize: 21196 Kb COM+[12:20:2]: QuotaPeakPagedPoolUsage: 66 Kb, QuotaPagedPoolUsage: 54 Kb COM+[12:20:2]: PeakPagefileUsage: 5760 Kb, PagefileUsage: 4904 Kb COM+[12:20:2]: End OC_CLEANUP Return Value = 0 COM+[12:20:2]: Start OC_CLEANUP Component = dtc COM+[12:20:2]: End OC_CLEANUP Return Value = 0 COM+[12:20:3]: ******************************************************************************** COM+[12:20:3]: Setup finished - [DATE:09,03,2002 TIME: 12:20 pm] COM+[12:20:3]: ********************************************************************************