The Very Dark Sides of the Fighters Shown: Part One

Before the Story

It was Thursday, July 21, 2050, and it was 3 AM, the time when Precious, Sonette's younger sister, was going to leave for R City from Sunflower City. Everything was packed and ready to go. She said, "Bye Bill! I will contact you when I get there!" and then left. When Bill turned the corner, brainwashed Knuckette came out and threatened him with a pocket knife. She said, "Where is she? Where is she? I have orders from Knux to either capture you, or--" "Knuckette! Calm down!" said Bill, their 22-year old half-brother, firmly. He read her mind and she collasped to the floor. "Lets see what's in there... Before her family was held hostage, she was captured and brainwashed by Knux, Knuckles' clone, and he is going for Precious! (How did she hear of this?!) Get her back to herself!" She got up and was very dizzy. She said, "I-- Wait, what happened?" "You were brainwashed and you threatened me!" yelled out Bill. Then he said, "You may have to come with me. I have a feeling that Precious is in danger. Let's go!"

Chapter 1: Precious In Trouble

It is 4 AM. While everyone else is asleep on the plane to R City, Precious remains awake, having second thoughts about this. Her head will really pound when a very evil presence, like Knux, is here as she thought. Her head really starts to hurt. "Ah! My head is pounding! There is a very evil presence after me, and it is right behind me!" Knux, who was awake all along, gets up from his seat and says evilly, "I guess you finally figured out, then!" He starts to attack her. She's already learned a quick move, so you'd better watch out for Precious's drill punches and lightning kicks! When she attempts to do a drill punch, Knux just simply grabs her hand, stopping the punch. She tries to get her hand out of Knux's grip, but it is too strong. Knux says evilly, "Precious, whatever plan you have, it probably will not work!" A plan then strikes her mind. She says sweetly, "Where will you want me, sir, when we get back to R City?" Knux answers, "In the Headquarters, to capture the Fighters at precisely--" "Got you where I wanted! Now to hypnotize you!" She actually hypnotizes Knux! "I'm glad that is finally over!" sighs Precious.

When they reach R City, it is 6:16 AM. When they get out of the plane, it is 6:20 AM. While at the R City International Airport, picking up her luggage, Bill and Knuckette are waiting for her, unknown to Precious. When she looks back, there's Knux again. She knocks him out with her own luggage. She is running for her life, and is very embarrassed. She cries, "Why is this guy after me? What does he want from me?" She sees the two and starts yelling, "Bill! Knuckette!!" "What happened?" says Knuckette. Precious is shaking. She says, "It's horrible! There is some guy stalking me!" Bill says, "Description of the stalker?" "Okay, he looked just like Kn--" Precious is interrupted. Knuckette says, "You mean Knux?! He's stalking you? We have to get out of here quick!" When they walk over to the scanners, they go to one of the security officers that appears to be Knuckles. Precious whispers to Knuckette, "That guy looks familiar." That's Knuckles! He says, "Good early morning, I'm Knuckles The Echidna. How may I help you?" "Knuckles, I didn't know you work here! Anyway, here is Sonette's younger sister, Precious. She says she's been stalked by Knux," says Knuckette. Knuckles is alert. He says, "You mean Knux is in this airport? I knew that guy looked suspicious! I'm going to contact Gary, Sonic, and Tails. They'll answer."

It is now 6:25, and he calls on the work phone. Meanwhile, at the Headquarters, Sonic is now playing Sonic 2 and the phone starts ringing. The ID says RCI Airport. "It's Knuckles! Answer it! Probably about Knux in the airport! On the news, he has Sonette hostage!" says Gary. Sonic answers the phone, saying, "Leave a message!" and that is it. "That was it?!?" yells Sonia. While at the airport, the ticked-off Knuckles thought to himself, "I knew he was going to do that! It's VERY annoying! But I have to leave a message." He leaves a message. When they hear it back at the Headquarters, they leave in a split second. When they arrive at the airport, they don't realize that Knuckles went with Precious to find Sonette. Minutes later, he already found Sonette on the first try. Her energy was completely zapped out of her by Knux when they get there. That means that Knux has gotten to her. Precious says, "That Knux! He's slipped away!" When they look back, they are shocked that Knux is stronger and very quick. Precious thought he will never be back. "We are so done for," says Precious.

It is 6:30 AM. Knuckles tries as fast as he could to fire lasers with his watch that Starlight Sonic gave to him, but too late. Knux grasps Knuckles, slams him to a wall, holding him there. While Knux does that, his fingers on both hands extend, literally going into Knuckles's arms. When Sonic comes in, he realizes that it is too late for Knuckles, and he also has the feeling that Knux is now Dark Knux, and Knuckles is on that side now! "Drat! Now what are we gonna do?" says Sonic. "Nothing, now that I have Knuckles on my evil side, and Sonette will be there very shortly," says Knux. "Why my sister?" says Precious. Knux says, not listening to Precious, "But I hear you're very useful, Precious..." "Forget it, Knux! Unless your evil ways are finished!" She then attempts to fire Dark Blast. After that, she faints from exhaustion. Dark Knux blocks the move. He transforms back to Knux and tells Knuckles to get Precious while he gets Sonette. Knuckette, Bill, Sonic, Tails, and Gary run up to the opposing two and the knocked-out two. Knuckette says to Knuckles, "Knuckles! Snap out of it!!" Knuckles looks at Knuckette with a very evil look. He says nothing and punches her in the face. She is knocked out cold. The four catch her before falling. Knuckles says, "Stay away from Knux as I will pound you like I did Knuckette!" and they disappear. Sonic says, "Since Knuckles is captured again, let's get revenge on Knux!" "Not yet, Sonic!" the rest say and they leave.

She wakes up. It is 7 AM. Precious finds herself strapped to a metal board. Whatever happened actually happened! Knux walks into the testing room, where Precious is. She is now angry. Knux is thinking of a very evil plan. He says, "After the process of you entering--" "That'll never happen! I don't want to enter your evil ways!" She attempts to break out of the straps. While doing that, Knux says, "I would bring out someone that you met at the airport." "No! Wait!" she yells. Knux says, "Robots, bring him out! And Precious... He will perform the second phase." Precious then drifts off.

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