Chapter 3: It's Too Late For Knuckles!

Later, in the Fortress, Gary, Tails, Amy-Chan, and Sonia Weeks are captured by Transformer's Two Porters that Destruct and Destroy. Knux comes in all evil-looking, and he has captured them mainly for revenge. He now has bright red eyes. Gary draws out his electric gun, and that's when Knuckette makes her appearance. She has fire and psychic moves. She has her mind set on Gary's left arm to point the gun on Knux and fire at him. If Knux sees Knuckette, he gets lovesick, but not if he is revengeful. When Gary is forced to pull the trigger (he has it set on the maximum setting), the five notice too well that didn't work. Instead they go to him, Knux sends the electricity back to them with his psychic powers, and zaps them unconscious. Just after that, he brainwashes them.

Later, at 8:05 PM, Sonic doesn't know yet that the five are brainwashed by Knux. When he enters the fortress, in the large back room, there they are, standing there with Knux. Knuckette has psychic powers along with fire powers. Sonic doesn't realize this until he is lifted two and a half feet in the air! Sonic says, "Knuckette's turned against me!" "What to do to him..." Knuckette thought. Then she had an idea. "Got one! Sonic, You will feel excruciating pain everywhere," she says. Sonia Weeks and Knuckette use a combination of electricity and fire directed on Sonic. Knuckette then becomes weaker and then collapses on the floor, and Sonic has a pretty hard landing. He says, "Man, that really is excruciating! Stupid Knux..." After that, he lies on the floor. Knux then decides to brainwash Sonic.

At 8:07 PM, Sonette gets worried about Sonic and the others. Knowing that they are in trouble, the two ScannerBots come with her. When she returns to R City, Amy Rose and Knuckles were already there. Knuckles says, "We have been expecting you. Let's go, I heard that the others are brainwashed!" Then suddenly, a very short call from Sonic alerts Knuckles.


"Come immediately!"


"I don't know, just come immediately!"


Knuckles then says, "Knux is going to brainwash him, and Knuckette has fainted! We'll have to go now!" Sonette says, "How do you know?" Knuckles says, "My watch said so..." and Knuckles, Sonette, Amy Rose, and the two ScannerBots go to the Fortress of Revenge.

Meanwhile, at the Fortress, Sonic is already brainwashed, Knuckette regains consciousness, and she is back on the good side. At that point, Knuckette and Sonic fight each other. Knuckette says, "Sonic! You've been tricked!" Sonic says, "Hmph. I don't believe you." and punches Knuckette in the face, but it doesn't harm her at all. She says, "Snap out of it!" Sonic instead uses his Ice Ring and freezes Knuckette's feet to the floor with the ice. She then attempts to melt the ice away from her feet using her fire powers, but the ice acted like diamond. Knuckette says, "Oh, cursed shit!" Sonic laughs and says, "Knuckette, now to finish you off! Super Sonic Destruction!" and spins toward Knuckette, giving her over 20 hits. It also breaks the ice off Knuckette's feet. She slowly gets up, says, "Fire Energy Recovery!" and is fully recovered. Sonic says, "I'll really finish you off!" Knuckette says, "We may be rivals, but that's not happening this time!" When they were about to fight this time, Gary's Growlithe leaps on top of Sonic. Knuckette says, "Meet Gary's Pokémon, Sonic!" Sonic says, "Okay! Get off me! *Growlithe gets off of Sonic* ...I was kidding that last minute." Knuckette says, "Sonic! You... Idiot! I'll..." and turns her back on him.

It is now Knuckles against Knux, Amy Rose against Daisy, and Sonette against April. Daisy and Amy Rose glare at each other. Then they fight each other using their Piko Piko Hammers until Amy Rose succcessfully knocks out Daisy. Then, April and Sonette launch a strong Ice Beam at each other, but Sonette's fails, so she is dealt with a VERY powerful blow to her body by April's Ice Beam, almost killing her. Knuckles defeats April for Sonette and notices Sonette herself lying on the floor, so he runs there to aid her. Knuckles says, "Sonette..." She looks at him and says in a weak voice, "Knuckles... I'll be fine." Knuckles says, "No. You won't." and gives her his watch for now. Just after that, Knux then approaches them, punches Knuckles in the face, and says, "Let her perish! Let's fight!" Knuckles glares at Knux, yells, "You cold-hearted son of a bitch!" and attempts to punch Knux in the face, but he moves a foot back as Knuckles moves a foot forward to fire punch him. Knux says, "Ha! I know you can do better than that!" Knuckles then manages to punch Knux in the face out of anger. This is when Knux picks Knuckles up, uses Dark Electricity on him, and throws him on the floor. Just then, Gary and Tails tackle Knux down and team up on him. Knuckles slowly gets up and says, "Thanks, you two." They both nod and Tails says, "That Knux sure is a nuisance." Gary says, "Yeah... He is... Anyway, most of the current fighters are easy targets for serum injection, so careful! (Why am I providing you this information?)" Knuckles says, "Okay..." and they try to round up most of the Fighters.

Later, at 8:18 PM, Scratch and Grounder 4th the 3rd arrive, not knowing that Knux has tracked them down, but Knux doesn't know that he is behind the door. Grounder 4th whines, "I want to open the door!" Scratch 4th says, "Go ahead. Knux is probably standing behind there anyway with his dumb self!" When Grounder 4th the 3rd opens the door, he gets knocked out because Grounder 4th always opens doors very hard. "We heard about the whole thing from the ScannerBots-- Where are they and Knux?" says Scratch 4th. Grounder 4th says, "Knux sure made a quick recovery." Amy-Chan and Sonia Weeks are back on the good side after that. Knuckles says, "We have to get out of here. But first, I want to make sure if he created an invisible wall. Let me try something." He throws Gary's SuperBall. It bounces right near him and hits him square in the face. Everyone is laughing hard at Knuckles at that time until Knuckette says, "So there is an invisible wall! Dang!" Knux then just appears out of nowhere. He says, "That's right, Knuckette. You won't be able to go through these walls. Right now, mind control is a very good idea." Knuckles says, "Man, that guy sounds stupid!!" Sonic says, "Yeah, no sh--" Gary covers his mouth immediately. Then they look at Knuckles. He is currently in a trance. Later, he gives a cold stare at everyone and starts attacking Sonic. That means that Knux has Knuckles on his side for only 20 minutes, but that's just the first part. The invisible wall goes out and the Fighters except Knuckette and Gary leave. Sonette hides. He says when he draws out the laser gun and points it at Knux, "Get Knuckles back here or I'll--" Knux says, "You'll what? Try to actually zap me? Let's just--" and strikes Gary and Knuckette. Gary is now behind him, and puts the gun to Knux's head while binding him. "Now what do you think now?" laughs Gary. Knux was just about to elbow him, but Gary says fiercely, "Don't you dare move. I am going to do it!" Knuckette says, "Gary, I--" The trigger clicks. Gary says directly to Knuckette, "Don't say a thing! *faces Knux* ...Knux, I haven't used my dark powers on you, but now is the time!" and attempts to, but Knux knocks him out.

Later, at 8:31 PM, Gary wakes up with glowing red eyes, and so does Knuckette. He then finds out that Knuckles is grabbing his arm hard. The 20 minutes were up on Knuckles! Gary yells, "What are you, crazy!?" Knuckles says firmly, "Just stop. It's over with." Gary continues, "No, it's not, and Knuckles!" Knuckles says, "Gary, why are you so aggressive?" He found out already. Knuckles says, "Gary and Knuckette are against me again... This has to be stopped!" As they come closer to Knuckles, he walks back until he leans against the wall. When that happens, wires come out of the wall and wrap him there. Knuckles says to himself, "Well, Knux won't get away with this..." Gary says, "We heard what you said!" Knuckette says, "Yeah, and he WILL!" Sonette watches until R Scratch and R Grounder appear behind her. She turns around. They swing a pipe to her head, knocking her out. They send her back to her room at the HQ. Meanwhile, back at the fortress, at 9 PM, Knux walks over to Knuckles with the injection needle in his hand and says, "Knuckles, now is the time to enter your evil side!" Knuckles yells, "No! Knuckette told me everything!" Knux says, "Or so you think..." When he starts injecting the serum into Knuckles, he passses out. Knux says, "Hm. This one lasts for about nine hours... Oh, well! At least..." About three hours later, Sonette wakes up and says, "I remember nothing! Were they really-- It's 12:15!" She feels her head. Sonette says to herself, "R Scratch and R Grounder!" They swung the pipe on her head at 9 PM! She says, "I remember now! Knuckles is with Knux to capture Sonic-- I gotta warn him!"

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