Chapter 2: The Late Phone Call

It is now 7:30 PM. Back in Robot City, Knuckette's cell phone rings, alerting her immediately. When she finds it, and noticing it is Gary James, and knowing that it is extremely urgent, she answers it.


"Hello, Gary?"

"Yeah, Knuckette? I don't know how I can put this, but I have some bad news for Knuckles..."

"And the bad news is...? He is with the Robo-Coms, far from me, and I have Grounder 4th the Third."

"At least that's good news. Now here's the bad news... It was mostly Knux's plan. Wait... I won't tell you, I'll show you. I have Grounder 3rd the Third with me."

"I know what to do."

So they connect their phones in the computers; the camcorder hooked in Grounder 3rd, starts up the camcorder, and is now running. This is what was recorded on the camcorder:

While in the Conference Room, three of the clones Starlight, Knux, and June were explaining to Revenge about brainwashing Knuckles in its liquid state. Revenge, who was not paying any attention, was handing out a few blueprints to Knux and said, "Here are the--" Knux said to Revenge, "R, we do not need blueprints right now." "Yeah, we just need a plan to get Knuckles on our side, R, and besides, we'll pick them up after if he captures Sonic," said June. Starlight then said, "And we have just the plan. It's this!" When Starlight revealed the test tube, Knux took it from Starlight and puts it in front of Revenge's face. He said, "What is that?" Knux never answered. Instead he said, "Still, this will get Knuckles on our side."

"That's all I have on Tape 1. The rest is on Tape 2."

"Then play Tape 2."

"Okay, Knuckette, but on this tape, it sounds a bit worse."

"Yeah. But... What is it?!" asked Revenge again. Knux, with a bad attitude, said, "Like I'm going to answer that. The name's confidential. But... I will tell how the plan will go as follows. First, the sample's injected into him. Second, he's on our side--" "I get the point now!" yells Revenge. That was the end of the tape.

"That sounds worse?"

"Well, it did to me. Anyway... Not very good, is it?"

"I gotta warn him. Thanks, Gary!"


"Well, that's done," says Gary. Tails says, "We don't even have a plan, Sonic and the others are still at the headquarters, and we're busted." "What makes you say that?" says Sonia. They all turn around. They see 6 robots surrounding them. Gary tosses his SuperBall in the air and throws it at an RCS Robot in front of him. The ball bounces like crazy and then hits every robot surrounding them. Then the 5-in-1 robot (Transporter's Two Porters That Destroct and Destroy), which Knux reprogrammed, picks them up. Gary says, "I really hate that clone of Knuckles (Knux)! He's like M. Bison! Or Vega in Japan." The four are then carried away to the Fortress.

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