The First of the Fighters' Situations: Part One

Before The Story

It was Friday, June 10, 2050, and it was 2:30 PM. They were in the Conference Room. The three were explaining to Revenge about bringing Knuckles to Revenge's team. Revenge, who was not paying any attention, was handing out a lot of blueprints to Knux and said, "Here are the--" Knux said to him, "Dr. R, we do not need any blueprints right now." "Yeah, we just need a plan to get Knuckles on our side, R, and besides, we'll pick them up after if he captures Sonic," said June. Starlight said, "I'll go get it!" and rushed out of the room. Three minutes later, Starlight returned with the test tube. He said, "And we have just the plan. It's this!" When Starlight revealed the test tube, Knux snatched it away from Starlight and put it in front of Revenge's face. He said, "What is that?" Knux heard, but never answered. Instead he said this, "Still, this will get Knuckles on our side." What they never noticed was that Gary was recording it!

Chapter 1: Gary and Part One of The RG's Plan

It is 2:45 PM. At R City, Gary, Amy-Chan, Sonia, Tails, and Grounder 3rd The 3rd begin the invesigation for Revenge's current plan, Scratch and Grounder 4th the Third, Knuckles, and Knuckette are with Team Robotz in Robot City, and Sonic, Sonette, and the 2 ScannerBots stay at the Headquarters to overlook Revenge's plan. ScannerBot 1 notices Sonic on a game instead of monitoring Revenge's cameras. He says, "What are you doing?" "Playing Sonic 4-- I mean, 3," says Sonic. ScannerBot 1 says nothing. Sonic sighs, closes the game, and goes back to looking at Revenge's camera scenes until he yells, "Wait! Isn't Gary AT the fortress?!" Sonette nods. He continues, "Then WHY are we doing this?!" Sonette shrugs her shoulders. Sonic continues, "Then I'll resume my play of this game!" and goes back to playing Sonic 3. ScannerBot turns away, and the rest look at security camera scenes. Sonette says, "I'll be gone for a while, so you might see me at about 8 PM." The rest say, "Okay..." and Sonette leaves.

It is 4:30 PM. At Robot City, Knuckles and Knuckette have started a Super Street Fighter 2 arcade game competition for Team Robotz to see, and they are watching the same thing on the big screen. They start playing. Knuckette playing as Ryu leads at first, but Knuckles is now in the lead, usually because he is best with Ken Masters. While the competition was getting good, June appears, confused. When she finds out, she says to herself, "Cool!! This is an arcade game competition!! If Knux saw this, he'll be very surprised... I'll just go." and June disappears. At 5 PM, when the competition ends, Dr. Quark jots down the two scores. The event is now finished and Quark says to Knuckles, "This is just for The Robotz' entertainment. And now...You get to choose any robot you want to be in your Fighters team." Knuckles says, "I would want... Sonic Time Teleport!" The robot yells, "Yes! I'm in the Fighters! I'm in the Fighters!" Knuckles just shrugs and laughs nervously.

Meanwhile, back at R City, at the outside of the fortress, Amy-Chan, Gary, Sonia, and Tails are recording on Knuckles' newest camcorder and digital audio recorder for the Revenge Group's newest plan: to brainwash Knuckles to capture Sonic to do that to him by... you'll find out later. About 3 hours pass by. When the four find out about the plan, they move one block away from the Fortress, then Gary tries to phone Knuckles in. Then, when Gary doesn't get a single response from him, he yells, "He left his phone in the HQ! Dang it, Knuckles!" Then he calms down. "I'll phone in--" "Knuckette!" yells Amy-Chan. Gary says, "That was what I was going to say." He contacts Knuckette by using his cell phone. Knuckette's cell: 555-3961.

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