The First Eleven Clones Were Created On...: Part One

Before The Story

It was Sunday, May 8, 2050, and it was 1 PM. At the Headquarters, Knuckles was checking his e-mail on the main computer in his room. When he started to read it, Tails walked into Knuckles' room, knowing that the hallway was waxed by Knuckette. Sonic, not knowing of the floor being waxed, skated into the room, flew up to the ceiling, landed on the bed, and said, "That was SO COOL!" Knuckles and Miles (Tails) were looking at Sonic as if he were crazy. The computer suddenly started beeping. It was a new e-mail message sound. They heard it and Knuckles opened the e-mail file. It was from Starlight Sonic. It read: "Revenge's scheme is about cloning. It involves Genius's 'Selector' Machine. It is also known as the Duplicator, which he didn't make yet. It also involves your team and us. That is all for now. Sincerly, Starlight Sonic." Right now, the three were just staring at the computer screen. Tails then said, "I heard that Genius' Selector Machine was built back in August of 2049, and cannot be destroyed, so there is absolutely no way of stopping Revenge yet." "How about if I spin dash it?" said Sonic, who was not thinking. Knuckles said, "Sonic, you heard Tails. It cannot be destroyed!"

Chapter 1: Before The Whole Situation Even Started

It is 2 PM. Everyone except Knuckles, Knuckette and Gary are checking for e-mail. Sonic was ready to start a fight, but now that Gary received a letter from Genius, his uncle, he never started it. Gary says, "Hey guys!" Everyone stops, even Messenger One and Two. He continues, "Genius has finished modifying the Duplicator. He also said that we can come over!" He flips the letter over. "Hmm... I think we should investigate this, Knuckles..." says Gary. He takes the letter from Gary and says, "You're right, Gary. He may be captured. Let's go to The Genius Continent, Fighters!!" The Fighters leave and the two Messenger Dogs follow.

Meanwhile, at The Genius Continent, it is 2:10 PM. Genius is making repairs to the Selector Machine in the Repair Room in Genius' Lab, and the first RCS Robot appears behind Genius to grab him. This was a big mistake, as he punches the robot apart while not looking back. "Stupid robots, always coming," Genius keeps muttering. Then he says, "I need a 20-minute lunch break!" Genius turns around and sees 5 RCS Robots around him. He says, "Oh, drat!" He turns around back to the Selector Machine, and 5 more RCS Robots are around him. Genius says, "Oh, double drat!" He's surrounded by half-witted robots! But they weren't so half-witted. He drops his wrench while Genius is lifted into the air by 2 of the 10 robots. Geniusette, who is alert, hears the sound of a wrench. She enters the Repair Room and sees Genius with 10 RCS Robots. Genius yells, "Geniusette, you shouldn't have come here!" She says, "But Genius-- Whoa!" Geniusette is stopped when 2 RCS Robots lift her up. Then 4 more more come in, handling the Pokémon: Pika2 and Pika3, Togepi 1 and 2. But they don't stop there. The rest of the group is with the robots: Rai1 and Rai2, Meowth 1-8, and Grounder 4th and Fixer. Genius says angrily, "What is this anyway?" The first RCS Robot says, "Revenge Raid, although I have no information on this plan. Let's go Robots! We'll get the machine later!" They then leave the main lab to the Fortress of Revenge.

When the Fighters get to the Genius Continent, and go to their house (Genius's Lab is there), it is 2:15 PM. They find it still neat, but Geniusette never cleaned up. Knuckles yells out, "Dang! They got away!" Tails looks puzzled as Knuckles keeps yelling. He then goes over to the Selector Machine. Sonic is confused. When he looks around the room, he finally says, "That's right! The security cameras!" Amy-Chan says, "Finally, a useful idea! Let's go to the tapes! Um..." She looks around frantically. She says, "Gary, where are they?" He says to her, "I thought you knew!" Amy-Chan says back, "But I thought you knew!" Knuckles is now ticked off. But he yells, "I know... Where they are!! Just follow me!!" Sonic whispers to Tails, "Dang, what happened to him?!" Tails whispers back, "Annoyance, Sonic! Now let's follow Knuckles before he ends up like Revenge and attempt to kill everyone or Evil Ryu in SFA3, the PSX version and did kill everyone in his ending!" "Okay, Tails! I get it now!" says Sonic.

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